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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Have Ye Learned Christ (A Small Group Discussion Guide) Eph 4:15-25

Ice Breaker: When did you learn to tie your shoes (how old) and who taught you?

Have Ye Learned Christ (Eph 4:20)

Every day kids and adults learn very important things about the world, life and living. They will also learn some very unimportant things (or so they think) that they may never use again after they pass the final test. There are formal lessons being taught like spelling and math and the sciences, but there are informal lessons being taught as well. Lessons like patience, sharing, listening and respectfully debating or disagreeing.

In fall 2010, nearly 49.4 million students will attend public elementary and secondary schools. An additional 5.8 million students are expected to attend private schools this fall.
Public school systems will employ about 3.3 million teachers this fall, Approximately 0.5 million teachers will be working in private schools this fall,
In 2008-09, there were about 99,000 public schools, 4,700 charter schools about 33,700 private schools offering kindergarten or higher grades .
In fall 2010, a record 19.1 million students are expected to attend the Nation’s 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities, an increase of about 3.8 million since fall 2000.
During the 2010-11 school year, colleges and universities are expected to award 798,000 associate’s degrees; 1,669,000 bachelor's degrees; 659,000 master's degrees; 96,500 first-professional degrees; and 69,600 doctor's degrees.

The Process
The process of teaching and learning is a little like mixing ingredients by precise measure in order to get a desired result. Too much or too little of an important ingredient, or leaving one out or replacing one with a lower quality substitute can and most likely will have a dramatic effect on the outcome of the learning process.

Even with all of this education and opportunity to learn some things are just not covered. Some things are learned long before a formal education begins and still other things seem to be known without having to learn them.

How did we learn to ride a bike (if we have)? How did we learn what HOT meant? How did we learn to be afraid? of spiders, or snakes, or flying monkeys? How did we learn what foods we liked and what foods we didnt like? How did we learn to tell the truth? How did we learn to lie? How did we learn that clover blossoms were sweet and that dandelion flowers were bitter? How did we learn to hold our breath when we put our head under water?

How do we learn what motivates us? Our children? How did we learn what kind of flowers are our wives or mothers favorites? How did we learn its better sometimes not to speak even though we have plenty to say? How did boys learn that its not right to hit girls? And girls learn that is not right to kick boys in the,,, to kick boys? How did we learn to think? How did we learn to question? How did we learn to learn?

Like we learned before a lot of lessons occur in the informal class room of life. Some of the ingredients are the same however even if we don’t recognize them. A subject (something we dont know) an expert or a teacher, an opportunity to be taught and a chance to test our learning and mastery of the subject.

The Bible is filled with references and instruction to learn about God, to be Instructed in His ways, and to have knowledge of His character and commandments. But how do we learn how to be Holy? How do we know how to bear the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23). How to shun evil and do right? How do we learn how to be like Jesus???

  • How do think life’s lessons are most effectively taught and learned?
  • Do you always know when you are learning something or is it sometimes a surprise? Can you think of something you learned without intending or trying to learn?
  • Some things appear simple until you examine them. How might we learn to “Pray the prayer of faith? Or how to Add to our Faith, Patience?
  • What is God trying to teach you right now? Are you aware of what it is? How is the lesson going?


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