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Saturday, April 2, 2011

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” - Anais Nin (Num 13:28-33) Pt 2

There is a natural curiosity that can be found in one of the most urban places on the face of the planet, the city of Los Angeles.  The curiosity I am speaking of is called the La Brea Tar Pits. In the middle of the urban sprawl of one of the worlds mega cities is this thing called a tar pit, and as the name suggests thats what it is.  Tar or an underground bitumen seeps up to the surface and an asphalt pond or lake is formed.   The tar pits in LA are famous for the remains of animals that have been found there quite well preserved.  

This seepage has been happening for tens of thousands of years. From time to time, the asphalt would form a pool deep enough to trap animals, and the surface would be covered with layers of water, dust, and leaves. Animals would wander in to drink, become trapped, and eventually die. The bones of these trapped animals become soaked with this substance and are remarkably preserved from the ravages of time.  One interesting fact about tar pits is that there are usually more predator animal skeletons found than prey animals.  The reasoning may be clear to many. A prey animal would come to this area, become trapped and begin to make urgent alarm cries attracting the predators who would think it was an easy meal but would soon find them selves stuck in the goo.  

It would seem that once something had errored into the tar it was only a matter of time before they were dead. The predators too no matter how strong or how great the numbers (pack hunters) were all doomed to the same fate. 

So this study was about Negativity and its effects on us.  As we have read in the scripture 10 of 12 spies sent to look over the land that God had promised the people of Israel delivered an Evil report to Moses and the people.  This word Evil gives the idea of a whispered defamation, or an unfavorable story.  Simply said the only thing that the 10 wanted to talk about were all the obstacles and difficulties that they saw across Jordon, and the implied message of disbelief in Gods promise to deliver the land to them.  They had stepped into the tar like area of negativity and it pulled them in. I would propose that this happened over a period of time, but one by one someone went too close and were pulled in, and as one went to help, before they knew it they were stuck there too and so on. 

I am suggesting that it took some time to get 10 mature, wise Jewish leaders to trade in their faith and convictions for fears and doubts.  Maybe they all carried a common fear so that they all began to swing at the same moment, like a fear of Giants.  The first sight of these men and it set in motion a rapid eroding of their faith.  I dont think so however. I think that people, these people in particular, are unique enough to not be all affected by the same thing at the same time.  Joshua and Caleb are evidence of the ability to see and not be affected similar things or have similar experiences.   Why is this important? because we are often on guard for the big things that crash into our lives even when we dont see them coming.  The size of the trial can hit your life so hard that it shakes and displaces everything except your faith, and when your faith is the only thing left standing its easier to cling to it during the storm. But little things can come against a person, they are not as easy to identify as a threat. If fact if the impact is slight enough it could become some thing that a person believes they have thought of themselves. 

The bible says in one passage that it is the little foxes that spoil the vines. The Good News Translation says it this way, "Catch the foxes, the little foxes, before they ruin our vineyard in bloom". Just a small thing nipping at the heels of our confidence and our faith until eventually down it comes.  It would be a mistake to ignore the influence of small things on our lives. The continual influence of a gentle force can change and alter strong substances.  Water can cut canyons, winds can bend great trees into a permanent bow, sand and wind can wear away near any hard stone. 

It has been said a long time ago that "All that we are is a result of what we have thought". These 10 spies were trapped. Trapped in their own fear, worry, unbelief, egos and vanities.  The things that they saw while in the promised land could not be denied. I mean a giant is a giant, right?  What they could have denied was the thoughts about these giants and well fortified cities they saw.  There is a cycle that occurs with our thinking and our feelings.  Often if you feel yourself feeling frightened or worried or anxious, those are the times to check your thinking.  A thought will often create a feeling. That feeling may affirm the thought and that in turn reinforces the feeling.  The cycle quickens and deepens until, even though you have a cluster of grapes being carried between two full grown men on a pole , the story of 10 mature leaders is that the land is bountiful but it cant be taken. 

Make no mistake what you put into your ears, eyes and mind makes a difference.  Faith is the substance and evidence of the unseen. If you are going to be a man or woman of faith you have to pay less attention to what is seen or heard with your natural eyes and ears and turn your focus to the promises of God and the affirmation of his Word. In spite of the two men of faiths strong appeals, the voice of negativity drown out the positive.  Not only did it infect the 10 with a doubting, hopeless, helpless attitude, it was passed to the whole of the children of Israel if you will read the 14th chapter of Numbers next. 

This may sound very extreme but, if what we are thinking about, reading about, listening to, is not of faith, then we are slowly eroding our foundation. The only outcome will be less power in our lives and vision that will only see what is NOT possible.  

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Acknowledge him in all your ways and he will direct your path. 

God Bless you ,  Jim