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Monday, January 31, 2011

Mobius Gospel - I Cor 15:1-4

You know when you are a kid it seems like almost every day some thing comes to you that is amazing. One of the things that I was simply amazed with was a thing called a Mobius Strip.  From Wikipedia:  The Mobius Strip is is a surface with only one side and only one boundary componentA model can easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and then joining the ends of the strip together to form a loop. If an ant were to crawl along the length of this strip, it would return to its starting point having traversed every part of the strip without ever crossing an edge.

I know, this really doesnt look very spiritual, in fact it kinda makes my brain hurt (psssst, its math).  You guys have probably all made one of these at some time I am sure.  The scripture in the title explains that Paul had given to the Corinthians what he himself had gotten at the beginning. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

The Gospel is not just the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven that you pass through and never look back. No the Gospel is our constant companion as we run this race of faith. We will cross the finish line and with voices like the sound of many waters we will recount our beginning and say "Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain". 

The Gospel is what grafted us into the Vine so that we can become a fruit baring branch for Him. The Gospel is empowers us to face our challenges every day. The Gospel orients our minds and hearts in the proper direction. The Gospel is the reason we will rise up when the trumpet sounds at the end of all things.  We cannot and dare not get too far from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We need Good News every day!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Cookie Mystery - Hebrews 3:1

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,,,,, oh wait that isn't the right story.  A long time ago when our kids were pretty young, maybe 8 and 6 years old, we lived in a modest and comfortable home in a little Iowa country town by the name of Gilbertville.  The kids had friends all over the neighborhood (and some enemies) and Darla and I were doing what we could to be lights and witnesses to our neighbors and to people in the town.

During that time I worked mostly the night shift because it allowed for one of us (Darla or I) to be home with the kids most of the time. The short time we didn't overlap Darla's mom covered for us with the kids. Life seemed to be a struggle back then but looking at it from here it seems so very much simpler and so very much more focused and fulfilling. Some of that I am sure is because we were so much younger and could burn the candles on both ends and in the middle occasionally.  Not so much any more. I get grumpy if anyone comes near my candle with a match.

I can recall one afternoon in that little house I was sitting in this purple swivel rocker that our folks had given us to furnish our castle. It was a good Bible Study chair though. I spent a lot of hours in that chair with Thompson Chain and Strong's Concordance searching out the scriptures. It was a common place for my kids to see me and a common way for me to spend the time I had before going to work in the evening.  On that particular afternoon I was reading in Hebrews and this first verse of the 3rd chapter stopped me to investigate.  I pulled up the Strong's definition of the word CONSIDER. It meant to perceive, remark, observe, understand. To consider attentively, fix ones eye or mind on.  This really had me thinking.  Consider,,, Jesus Christ.

I pondered this idea of fixing my mind and eye on Jesus and felt that feeling that you get when you are sure that you have found something of value. You are turning it over and over in your mind observing it hoping that the value with burst forth.  Well just then our oldest son Aaron burst forth into the kitchen and into my considering.

It was a warm day and he had been out playing and he asked me for a cookie.  Just few lines here about cookies.  See in our house back in those days a package of cookies would last maybe an hour or two if we were lucky.  The kids ( and us) had pretty active sweet tooth's so if we didn't let rationality prevail, well we would either go broke buying cookies or never have any cookies.  So being the crafty parents that we were, we started hiding the cookies to prolong their existence in the house.  So before I would get Aaron a cookie I sent him to his room so that I could go to the secret safe in the wall and get him two cookies.

We were and still are BIG fans of the fudge covered graham cracker.  Great with or without milk.  A revolutionary cookie in my opinion. So with the cookie monster in his room safely away from the stash I got him two cookies, went back to my chair and called him out to get his snack.  He came out got the cookies and sat on the floor listening to the radio or a tape or whatever it was that I had as background noise. I returned to my consideration of the word consider.

It wasn't very long, maybe 10 minutes that my son turned to me with one bite of cookie left and said, " The cookies are in the fridge". "How do you know that I asked?" Aaron popped the last bite in his mouth and as he hopped up to resume his playing outside he said, "because the cookies were cold".  I was dumbfounded. It was at this moment that the Holy Ghost nudged me and said, thats what it means to consider something.

Aaron had sat there with two cookies in his hands, savoring the taste and thinking about cookies. The only thing better that 2 cookies afterall would be 3 or more cookies. He had fixed his eyes, his mind, his feelings on the cookies that he was enjoying and wanted to enjoy more and with that consideration came the understanding that the cookies were in the fridge.  He was right. We kept them in the crisper, well not after that we didnt but that isnt the point.

The point was that his desire for the cookies, focused his attention and his thinking until the object of his affection became clear in his mind. Hebrews 12:2 says "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith". That word LOOKING means to turn the eyes away from other things and fix them on something. Jude 1:21 instructs us to Keep ourselves, Looking for the Mercy of our Lord Jesus unto eternal life.

This probably doesn't seem as profound to you the reader as it did and does to me.  I was instructed in an eternal truth by an 8 year old eating cookies on the living room floor.  And when he told me the cookies were in the fridge, because they were cold,  well it was made quite clear the kind of concentration that the scripture was teaching in Hebrews 3:1.  The mystery of the scripture was revealed to me in the solving of the mystery of the cookies.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Garden Planning Time - Isa 61:10-11

I can remember as a kid catalogs arriving at the house around this time of year that were the interest of my dad.  In the holiday season the Wishbook was my bible and I poured over all the pages of bikes,bats,  balls, and toys. Oh the toys! Pages of them. My mom would look too, at the drapes, appliances, clothing,and other things, but I never saw my dad pick up that Wishbook.

Then the winter would begin to age and the days would turn the corner and ever so slowly begin to lengthen and a new catalog would arrive in the mailbox.  The Seed Catalog.  This is one that as a child I found some fascination in but not enough to hold my interest.  My dad, however, would look at it and it was clear that he had an appreciation for every page and product listed.  I also have to admit that as a teenager I did not like gardening, at all.  It was to me a form of punishment or in the least some forced character building excercise that I was not interested in.  I did learn a lot out there though.  One thing was, even if you didn't like the job you needed to do it right or you would end up doing it over and that was of course the poorer bargain for someone like me at that time.

What did these catalogs offer the shopper? They offered potential and possibilities.  The seeds and plants being offered were more than likely of the highest quality and had proven their ability to yield abundantly.  But they could not promise a return. The company could not guarentee a harvest; either great or small. There were just too many variables beyond the companies control.  There were instructions and guidance but in the end the seeds were placed into the hands of the gardener and the return would be subject more to his or her ability and desire than the seed company.

Its a tricky thing. The seeds are good, you have to believe that if you are going to put the effort into planting them. But if they dont grow it's not because they weren't good seeds. If they don't bare like we had hoped it's not because that package of seeds that WE got were not filled with potential and promise.  No, there are lots of things that effect the end result. Sowing is not the only obligation the gardener has. Tending and caring are part of the gardener' character. Providing water, food, and defending the tender plant from the curse of weed and thorn.

So while the snow is still thick on the ground, covering the garden and its fertile soil, the Gardener must plan for the coming season. What, where, and when are all considerations.  Carefully the catalog is flipped page by page. Some pages are folded over to remind the planner and to bring them back to consider again.  Some things are staples and will be on list for sure - beef steak tomatoes, potatoes, beans, and peas.  But last year the peas did not do well in the spot that they were planted so the gardener will try another place and maybe even another time.  Too early and the cold will win the day, too late and heat will rob the fruit from the vine.  Planning and planting for a harvest. Intentionally considering all the conditions and possibilities and formulating a plan that gives your seed the best chance to break forth and bare fruit. It's a promise contained in the seed and that promise is older than the gardener and it is true if we are faithful to the promise.

What will be sown into the soil of our own hearts this growing season?  What crop do we hope to harvest? If we desire an abundance of Mercy what must be sown? If we have a taste for Joy and Gladness what kinds of seeds do we need to make an order out for?  The analogies are pretty clear here, right? The seed catalog is your Bible and it is filled with page after page of seeds of promise.  Promises of Peace, Comfort, Rescue, Health, Confidence, Abundance, Prosperity, Salvation, Purpose, Power, Fellowship, Friendship, Truth, Progress, Hope, and a New Life!

Get out the catalog and decide today what kind of harvest you will be working for in Him this season.  Don't worry about the seed, you will be getting the best that He has to offer and it has been proved season after season.  Know where the seeds need to be planted and tend and guard them from the cares of this world, the fowl of the air, the heat and dryness that will come and a return on His investment will manifest itself in your life for His Glory.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Does Anybody See This?!?! - Psalm 69

I'm gonna tell a little story on myself today.  There was a time, many years ago now, when I had problem with another member of the body of Christ. It was an important and divisive situation. It was like a sore that never ever quite healed up. It would begin to close and then something would rip it open again and the hurt would start all over again.

Now I can only tell you this story from my perspective so please dont form any opinions or biases in my favor, because this time was not easy for anyone involved. Anyway, I would pray and seek God in the Word for grace and wisdom.  I followed scriptural instruction and brought unbiased witnesses together with us to try and reconcile the matter but there was no progress.  Finally the unresolved nature of the situation began to take down my family and it was at that point that I felt a desperate need to do something to get me adn mine seperated from this "torture".  So we left the church.  Our intentions were not to leave God, but just to leave the assembly that we were struggling in.  There is a way that seems right to a man, and you know the rest of that story.

Skipping over a lot of time, mistakes and further wandering we finally came back to the sanctuary of God and began our healing.  For me however I was hindered in my recovery.  I was concerned that the behavior that caused us to take our drastic action was still operating and in my mind that could not be left that way.  I was torn by my memory and resolve to not let it be so and the fact that I seemed to be only one unable to move on. I prayed earnestly at the alter that God would help me to lay my feelings down there and not pick them back up.  But as sure as the sun rises I would find the same thorn buried deep in my heart and spirit not too many days later.

Jonah had some of that going on. He had no love for Nineveh or her citizens and when instructed to go there and preach a message of rescue he turned his back and split. Its not completely clear where his strong feelings came from. These Ninevhites were not a friendly bunch of folk and had a reputation for being brutal and somewhat barbaric. The scripture says that their wickedness had come up before God. Clearly they were not model citizens.  Even when Jonah was run down by God and given a second chance to obey he did so under protest.  After telling these wicked people that God was going to ruin them in 40 days he went out of town and waited for the show.  The problem was that the people, including the king, believed Jonah and fasted and repented and God modified his plans for these people - no destruction.

Heres where it gets back to my story. Jonah was now not only upset with the people of Ninevah but he was also upset with God because he knew that God was merciful and compassionate and that this was what was going to happen. They would be spared.  See Jonah felt that some people just needed some killin! God told him that he did not well feeling and acting the way he was.  Everytime I went down to the alter and "told" God that I didn't want to carry the anger any more, when I got up it would follow me and climb back onto my back. I was beginning to feel the tiny roots of anger or frustration with God for not taking care of this for me. After-all I was being honest about my request.

Frankly, I was not being honest.  Finally one Sunday kneeling at a chair in the alter service I was praying about this angry old burden and asking God to take it when I left it at the alter.  What happend was I heard God in my spirit say, "Then leave it here and dont take it back up!" Whoa, me take it up I was looking for some help. I didn't want the thing (thats what I said to God). He responded that "Yes I did want to take it back up.  What I wanted wasn't relief or removal of the anger and the burden. What I really wanted was justice to be done. I wanted vengeance to be meted out on the ones that were sowing destructive behaviors in the church still. I wanted to get even".  To say that I was stunned and sobered is an understatement. But He was right.  I repented of my falsity toward Him and my merciless hearts desires for that other member of the Lords body and said to God that at the end of the day there is just One judge in the earth. There is just One who sits on the Great White Throne of Judgement and it is NOT ME!!!

I was worried that if I didn't hold on to this offense then it would be forgotten and people would not have to give a reckoning for their actions and the pain that they may have caused. I was worried that I owed it to the body to hold on to my prideful judgments. I had been deceived and I was deceiving myself. I was taking on a role so much greater than I could execute it wasn't funny.  I was off on my own way again and it was not affecting anyone but me, and those closest to me (whom I wanted to defend).

If you read Psalm 69 and I hope you will, there is a verse, not even a whole verse, nested there that can be a source of comfort to the wounded I think. In verse 19 the Psalmist says that all of his foes are known to God. There is a great catalog of offenses delivered upon this servant of God and he sounds like he is barely able to hold up under their onslaught.  He starts the chapter saying that the waters (the struggles and pains) had risen all the way up to his soul.  Yet there in the midst of his pain and in his plodding on wearing the Name of his God and his Gods reputation he knew that all these things were not going unnoticed.  All of these enemies were known to God.  He knew he didn't need to have a vengeful heart because God was aware of the accounting and there are no errors in His books. God would that all would repent and be saved. The old wicked person buried in Baptism rising to walk in newness of life that life breathed back to life by the gift of the Gods on Holy Spirit. All those offenses, the ones committed against you and I, would be nailed to His cross. The invoice of judgement would be marked PAID IN FULL and justice would be served.

We have to know that God is seeing us every day and knows those the bless us and those that curse us. He has promised to keep track and recompense so why hold on to that terrible burden.  Let it go and lay it down. God knows exactly who has hurt you and how badly it hurts. Trust him to minister to your wounds and to work to redeem that one who is an enemy to his body and to Him (we are His and He is ours remember).

The Psalmist closes with acknowledgement that God hears our cries and does not despise the prisoners. Does anyone see this?!?!  Yes He sees and he is on your side. Let go of your emotional connection to offense and trust the Great Judge to represent your cause.You will bring Him glory when you allow Him to be God in your life!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Its Never Been About Me - Gal 2:20

In our Home Friendship Group last week we talked about being a disciple of Christ. And as the facilitator observed even though one might think that the questions related to the topic ( A Nooma video called Dust by Pastor Rob Bell) were, in his words, softball questions no one was too eager to respond to what does it mean to be a disciple of Christ.

This is one of the qualities that I love about our group.  I dont believe that people didn't have or couldn't have given a perfectly acceptable answer to the question. Rather I think that everyone was reflecting on their own lives and their owning following of the One who had called them before popping off an answer.  Its easy to say something, but it so very much harder to live something. I love that old saying that it is better to be quiet and to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

A short comment, I was quite surprised to find what I think is the entire video devotion on Youtube.  Take a look if you have 15 minutes to invest in something that will make you think all week. One of our group members commented that serving God and following Him is always harder for them when they become distracted by self.  He was right, at least for me he was right.  I can take so many things about being a disciple and distort them or make them out of focus by taking them off of Jesus, the teacher, and putting it on me the struggling student.

I was reading in the gospel of John the other day about the Lord meeting Peter and John on the beach and sharing a meal with them and then giving Peter some important instruction.  Jesus had just layed a deep and I would say mysterious prophecy on Peter about the end of his (Peters) days and then said the him "Follow me".  Its at this point that Peter sees John and turns to ask Jesus, "What about this man?" And this is what stuck me; Jesus said " What is it to you........?"  See I think perhaps, for whatever reason there was some quick questioning going on in Peters head and he was wanting to compare his instruction from the Master to the plans that Jesus had for John.  What is it to you?

The focus of my calling is not what God has planned for my brother in our HFG. The focus of my calling is not what God wants to do with my wife or my children.  The focus of my calling is not even about me and my calling.  The focus of my calling is the One who called me.  I have gotten myself wrapped around the axle a number of times fretting over others opinions and thoughts about me. I have wasted time imagining the grand possibilities that could exist regarding my call. I have asked the Rabbi to please wait while I finished my deep and profound thought for my blog readers. I have made His call about me and at the same time completely stopped following him.  Silly I know, but some of our greatest struggles are going to be with the guy that stares back at us in the bathroom mirror every morning, and that dude has scary hair!

One of my favorite scriptures is found in Col 3:9 if I may bend the context a little bit.  It says that when Christ , who is our life shall appear, then we shall appear with Him.........  A little earlier in verse 3 it says that we are dead (to our sin) and that our life is hidden in Christ. Wait a minute! arent we instructed not to hide our light but to let it shine?  How can I hide and not be hidden?  This is what I love about this scripture, for me I am instructed that when I am hidden in Him, I have forfeited my own image and person and I superimpose the likeness of Christ over myself.  Thats not a bad thing because when I have taken on the Masters instruction,  manner, compassion, opinion and world view all of the sudden I begin to appear. Only its not me that lives, but Christ that lives in me.

I started this out with the title that it has never been about me. That is not an easy thing for a new Christian to get their arms around I think. Especially today with all of the constant pounding of the message of self that falls onto everyone in this country.  But there is no way to fully possess the life that the Gospel promises without laying our life on the alter and leaving it there for a sacrifice.  When Jesus' friend Lazarus died he went to the family home and one of the sisters said, in her pain, that if you (Jesus) would have been here our brother would not have died.  Jesus told her that her brother would live again, and she jumped over the NOW and went to THEN and said I know he will rise again in the resurrection.  Jesus rocked her thinking and said Martha I am the resurrection! I get all goose pimpley when I read and write that bit of scripture.  Girl you got this thing outta focus, its not about a someday promise. No its about a right now, right here promise because I Am the resurrection.  The focus is Jesus!

I has never been about me. It has always been about Him. I am Soooooo Glad its about Him.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

10 Lbs in a 5 Lb Bag - Matt 12:34-35 A

I am sure that everyone has heard this or a variation on this expression before.  I know that I have used it to describe situations a number of times.  In short it is intended to describe a situation or circumstance where too much of something is trying to be compressed into finite space.  To be honest I usually use the expression to describe situations at work, since it seems that there is never a good way to put off things until the sack will hold more. 

The outcome of an exercise like putting 10 lbs of something in a 5 lb bag is pretty simple. You will either have whatever it is you are "sacking" overflowing out of the sack and into the environment OR you will burst the seams of the sack and everything will flow out into the environment

The scripture that is in the title talks about how the heart is the source of what the mouth speaks.  The word that is translated abundance has a meaning that includes to exceed a fixed number of measure.  In other words it's the overflow.  The heart is a vessel. Whether you consider the heart as the mind, the spirit, the soul, or the sense of physical life, the heart has a finite capacity.  There is a limit to how much the heart can contain at any given time.  That is not to say that the size of the vessel cannot be increased to accommodate more but at some point it will overflow with what it is filled with. 

What it is that goes into our hearts will inevitably be made manifest. It may take some time to build up enough of a reserve so that our outward life will begin to evidence the inward storehouse. If you think in very natural terms, the fact that a person eats a steady diet of foods that provide little nutritional value it is only a matter of time before it is obvious to everyone. People may not know that I am eating an entire package of double filling sandwich cookies each night as I play video games and drink cola, but they know that I am doing something that is making me fat! 

It may not be obvious to everyone why my life is showing some of the things that it does, but they will have a sense for whether I am putting wholesome things or corrupt things into my life(heart). I can fill myself up each day "in secret" but eventually what is on the inside will show up on the outside. Jesus called out the religious leaders of the day when he said, " You snakes, how can you say good things when you are evil?" They were speaking words that were not consistent with the things that they had filled their lives with.  

What is it that makes a person Evil like the scripture in the title says (Matt 12:35)?  If we follow the previous verse as a guide it is, or mostly likely is, a result of many incremental deposits into the inner man/woman. Out of the abundance of the heart, our lives are broadcast to everyone around us. The evil that is talked about here means a number of things, all of which make it clear to me why they are considered "evil":

  1.    full of labours, annoyances, hardships
    1.    pressed and harassed by labours
    2.    bringing toils, annoyances, perils; 
    3.    of a time full of peril to Christian faith and steadfastness; causing pain and trouble
  2.    bad, of a bad nature or condition
    1.    in a physical sense: diseased or blind
    2.    in an ethical sense: evil wicked, bad

    3. A steady diet of things that look, taste, smell or behave like those things in the definition will only make a person evil from the inside out. There are an abundance of things in the environment today that are just that.  I am not going to put down a list of the things to avoid or a list of "thou shalt nots".  No, if we are serious about our relationship with the Savior then we will need only the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit to impress on us the goodness or the rottenness of the things we consume.  We are given the gift of His Spirit because of His promise and our  obedience to the Gospel so that our lives will be empowered. With that empowerment can come an ability to distinguish fresh from foul, good from evil, right from wrong.  This discerning comes from a steady diet of the Word of God.  Psalm 119:9 asks how a young person can and will keep themselves clean? The answer is by Obeying His Word.

    4. Proverbs 4:20-27 will close out my thoughts for today. I won't write them out for you here - you can open your Bibles and read them (or you can follow the link I have attached to the reference). The instruction of these verses gives clear direction to us on making the kinds of deposits and eating the kind of diet that will make us strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. This diet will enrich our lives to the point that we will not be able to contain the abundance of His goodness.  Out it will come into the world where we are and it will not return without bringing back a return and accomplishing what He wills and pleases. That's the kind of 5 pound bag I want to be.  One that cannot contain the goodness of God and that spills it out for others and for the Most Highs good pleasure

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Politically Correct - Mark 15:1,6-8,15

Nearly everyone reading this today has heard, and quite possibly used, the phrase "Politically Correct" (or Incorrect).  It has become a common part of todays language and has a very distinct meaning for people on both sides of the political spectrum. I dont want to go into a political discussion in this writing, just touch on enough of that subject to help to make my point.

Some quick thumbnail research tells me that the term itself is not a modern fabrication, but its meaning in contemporary culture is not quite what it was in its origins. Today the meaning is generally agreed to mean, “a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, and age-related contexts."  The interesting thing to me is that the mark for what is, and is not, considered correct politically is a constantly moving pendulum. Looking back across the history of just American Culture you can see many iterations of commonly held beliefs and opinions.  To minimize social and institutional offense - well clearly that has changed if you ONLY consider the language that is used in mass-media arenas (TV, Music, Movies, Radio, etc).

The scriptural reference in the title is a common account and is likely well known by you the reader. Jesus is betrayed, he is taken and plotted against according to a devious plan and is delivered to the political authority of the area and day. Verse 15 tells us that "Pilate was willing to content the people". A variety of translations say that "Pilate desired to please the people" or that he was "willing to satisfy the crowd".  There was a tradition of releasing someone on the day of the feast and Pilate had examined Jesus and was convinced that He had done nothing to warrant his arrest or the punishment that his accusers requested.  He would liked to have washed his hands in clean water and let the itinerant preacher go. But Political Correctness was going to rule the day (according to the Masters plan).

The desire to please the people is a recipe for a certain moral decline. Humans are, in the unregenerated state, only a step or two above animals.  The noted psychologist Abraham Maslow put forth the idea in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human Motivation" that the most basic of human needs are for Food, Shelter, and Procreation.  Until these things are satisfied, he postulates, man will not progress to any higher form of living.  Interesting, and arguably, reasonably true.  It does not include the living soul of man which has its own set of basic and fundamental needs.  Psalm 73:25 KJV says, "Whom have I in heaven but Thee, and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee."   A more contemporary translation (the Good News Translation) says, "Who else in heaven do I have beside you? Since I have you, what else on earth could I want?"  The point is very clear; there is in a man something that food, shelter, and even sex cannot replace or satisfy.  The soul of man desires to be with and near its Creator.  We are fearfully and wonderfully made by the Maker, and in His image (Psa 139:14, Gen 1:27 and St John 1:1,14).

I will try to tie this up for today.  We, as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, cannot afford to let our minds and hearts be influenced to accept what is culturally, and currently, politically correct.  I'm not criticizing any group of people or making any judgement against anyone. I am saying that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12 and 16:25).  I dont believe that God wants me to be offensive to another person; to bruise their heart and spirit.  I do believe that he wants me to speak words of encouragement and edification that will point people to the One who satisfies my life (Eph 4:15, 29).

Pilate would not have offered to release Jesus and condemn Him to crucifixion except it was the politically correct thing to do.  Six million Jews were murdered under the banner of political correctness. People were made numb to the hate and didn't wonder where their neighbors, the shop keeper, doctor, musician, mother, father child, the Juden had disappeared to. After all, it was politically correct.

Closing now with some of the most practical and sound instruction that a believer can pull from the Word of God:

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will                 of God. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

In My Sack - An Allegory Matthew 11:28

It was the end of another long and tiring day. The sun had begun its descent in the sky hours ago and the moon was claiming the space now. The first few jewels of the night's starry crown were beginning to shine.  All around the commotion of the day was also fading away. If you were to look up and down the dusty road where the Man stood, the path itself was disappearing into the darkening horizon. Quiet was the song being sung and its melody made the Man feel lonely.

To himself he said, "If I am to be ready for tomorrow I must stop now and look into my sack." With that he walked a short way into the wayside and began to make his camp for the night.  The Man picked a suitable spot with not too many stones on the ground, a few, but none very large. "This will do if it must." He said to himself and began picking up the stones from the ground.  As he looked in the fading light he tried to nourish himself on an old crust of bread.  Was it spoiled now? He couldn't tell.  It had been a very long time since that loaf or any other that he had consumed had been fresh.  Dry and hard, and covered with the road was how this crust tasted.  "Just a few bites and that will do. This was a fine loaf when it was first given to me. Fine indeed." The Man was now on his hands and knees pushing the stones into a pile. He paused, and looked up into the dark sky. "When did I get this loaf?" He wondered, "Who was it that gave me this food?"

It was there on his hands and knees, staring at the growing pile of rocks and thinking of bread, that he heard the first sounds of the Visitor coming along the way.  It was very strange to hear what sounded like another once the Man had moved off the path and out of the way, but slowly a figure approached and took form near the Man.

"Good evening." Said the Visitor to the Man. "Indeed?" Was the only response from the Man. The Visitor looked slowly around to take in the Man and the pile of stones. "Is this your lodging for the night?" The Visitor asked looking into the Mans face.  "Yes, it will be" the Man said, "as soon as I have cleared the ground of these stones for my bed.  I have no food for you stranger, I have only enough for my own needs."  The Visitor continued to look at the Man and told him that this was fine, that he had his own bread and meat. The Visitor pulled a large round loaf from a bag that was over his shoulder to show the Man and a napkin that the Visitor said held fishes.

"Perhaps I could build a fire and we both could warm ourselves while we eat." The Visitor addressed the Man and with that the Visitor walked into the dark to gather sticks and branches for the fire.  The Man eased himself onto the dirt as the Visitor could be heard picking up fuel for the fire.  The Man could still see that loaf and the fish the visitor produced and wondered if there might be enough that he could taste a fresh morsel and be refreshed. The Man pushed that thinking aside as the Visitor returned with an arm load of wood. " If you must build a fire, build there and not here where I have been clearing these stones." The man said firmly, trying to cover his previous imaginings of refreshing with a strong demeanor.

The Visitor quickly and efficiently arranged the wood and in a moment had a small fire licking away at the wood and lighting up the surrounding area.  Once the Visitor was certain that the fire was going to burn on its own he turned to Man.  Surprisingly when he looked at the Man in the growing light, the Man was scooping up the stones from the ground and placing them into his Traveling sack.  The Visitor quietly watched until the last small stone was picked up from the ground and placed inside the sack.

"Friend, I am your guest in this place" the Visitor said, " but if I may inquire; why did you put those stones into your sack?"  The Man rose up so quickly that a haze of dust from the ground followed him up and now curled and fell slowly back to the ground.  "These stones were in the way of my place of rest and once collected they must be removed." "Why?" Asked the Visitor earnestly. "Because I may travel this road and may again come to this spot and need to rest here, so I cannot leave them. I take them to be sure that the stones will not disturb my rest in the future."  "What about your rest now?" Asked the Visitor. "You have been moving and piling stones in the dark for some time and now the hour of resting is far spent. It will not be very long before the sun will reclaim the sky and we both must be going on."

The Man looked at the Visitor and his shoulders seemed to sag. "I dont ever seem to get enough rest. There are just too many stones in this world. If it were not for the stones I would be a different Man; able to move freely and progress on my journey. But the stones are everywhere and, well, they must picked up." The Visitor was seated now near the fire and was pulling the loaf apart for a meal.  With his head bowed he gave thanks and then looked up at the Man. "Does that mean that your traveling sack has more stones in it than those you just picked up?" The Visitor asked. "Yes.Yes indeed it does." The Man replied. "How can you get so many stones into that bag? You must have other things in there? Needful things?"  The Man looked down at his feet and quietly replied, "Once perhaps, but I have left many things along the road to make room for these stones."

"Show me these stones would you?" The Visitor inquired.  The Man was a bit startled by the request since no one ever really wanted to know about what it was he carried and why it bowed him so low as he traveled. "Why yes, I will show you." And with that the Man let the heavy sack slide off his shoulder and onto the ground with a thump.  The Man slowly tried to stand straight but it was painful so he gave in to the stoop of his back and shoulders and sat down beside his sack. One by one the Man pulled stones from the sack.  Some were quite small and others were large. Some were smooth and others were jagged with points and sharp edges.

The Man scooped up a pile of small pea sized stones and showed them to the Visitor.  "These are stones that over time have found their way into my shoes and caused me discomfort."  "You wear no shoes now," said the Visitor. "No. I left them along the way to make room for more stones."  The Man pulled several large stones out and arranged them for the Visitor. "These were stones upon which I laid my head when I would rest and they were of no comfort to me and only robbed me of my sleep." The Visitor questioned, "You were gathering stones all night when I arrived. When would you have finally put your head down on a stone or the ground?"  The Man was speaking softer and softer now and said, "Well you see, since I could not carry many more stones of this size I reasoned that it was best for me to forgo sleeping. That way I would not pick up another hard wretched stone from the ground so that some other weary traveler might avoid it in his time of rest".

"Are there any more stones in that sack?" Asked the visitor. "Yes a few." The Man replied.  Holding up one, and then another, and another, the man said, "These are stones that were thrown at me in anger and some in error. Some struck me and others did not. I picked them up so that they could not be thrown again." Slowly now the man began to pick the stones up and arrange them back in the sack.  He arranged them in such a manner that the Visitor was certain the Man had pulled them out and put them back into the sack many times. Each one seemed to have a specific place and each one was picked and placed carefully back. The Man sensed the Visitor's curiosity and said, "You see I have taken the stones out several times in order to better arrange them for my journey.  I know each one quite well and each one has its own place against my back now." The Man tried to force a laugh at that statement but it caught in his throat.

The sun was coloring the horizon pink now and the fire was burned down to embers.  The Visitor was quiet as the Man stood up and with a great groan hoisted the sack back up to his shoulder. The sack was so very heavy against his back. The Man looked back toward the road and then to the Visitor. "I should be getting started now." He said with a sigh. The Visitor spoke to the Man. Was the Visitor's voice always so calming? As he spoke it seemed to the Man that the sack got a little lighter. "Surely you could stay just a short while longer with me and share my bread and these simple fishes?" The Visitor offered. "And you should put down your sack while you eat. There is no need to carry that burden any longer than you have to."

The power of the Visitor's last words shook the Man. He let the sack drop again to the ground and this time the sound was like a crashing wave or thunder clap. Heavy had that sack become. As the Man sat near the Visitor he took a piece of break and fish and quickly consumed them both.  The visitor offered more and the Man tried to refuse. However, the Visitor insisted and held them out to the Man. It was then that the Man noticed the marks on the Visitor's hands. Thanking the Visitor the man took the food and this time ate more slowly, savoring each bite. Fresh bread!  How did this Visitor have fresh bread to offer? No matter; it was delicious.

"If I were to offer to carry your stones, would you give them to me?" The Visitor asked. The question shocked the Man so that he nearly choked on the food.  Give him the stones?!?  The Man had spent much time picking them up and carrying them about. He was certain that he was doing the right thing and that others were helped by his sacrifice, even if they did not know it. But no one had ever offered to so much as pick up the sack let alone carry it for the Man. "How do you know that you can lift and carry that sack?" The Man asked. "It really is quite heavy."  "I can see that from the effect it has had on you, your life, and your body. But I would not offer if I could not carry them."  The Man was beginning feel a wave of excitement. "How long will you carry them for me and how long will you be traveling with me?" He asked. "I will take them so that you will never have to carry them again, but I will not be going down the path you are on today. Maybe tomorrow, but not today."

The Man panicked and he reached for the sack to pull it close. The Visitor's calm voice spoke again. "In that sack are stones that annoyed you,  robbed you of your rest and health,  that were hurled against you, and stones that have battered your heart and body. Which stone in your sack is worth carrying further any more?"  The Visitor's question cut through every layer of self that the Man had built up. In an instant he saw the great burden for what it was and wanted to be released from it. "None." Said the Man. "Not one."  With that the Visitor reached out and took the sack of stones from the Man.

Like the dawning of the day the heart and spirit of the Man rose up within him.  It must be the bread that was shared with me the Man thought.  No, he said to himself, it was that cursed sack and all the stones.  Being free from them was what lifted his heart. Both the Man and Visitor were now standing at the road's edge.  "I will be with you again." The Visitor said. "Go along your way and let your body heal." With these few words both started down the road toward their destination.  The Man was almost running. He felt so freed from the burden of the stones. Suddenly, he realized that he had not thanked the Visitor for freeing him from the burden. When he turned to shout his thanks, the Visitor was not to be seen.

The Man was only sad for a moment. The Visitor had said that they would be together again and in his heart he knew that this promise was true. So with a joy and lightness not felt for many years the Man turned and headed toward his destination.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Save Thyself, Come Down Off The Cross - Mark 15:29-30

When I read the account of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus Christ I get more than a little angry with the characters that took part in this act.  My anger is probably unjustified because one of the last things that Jesus did before giving up the ghost was to offer them not a pardon but an alibi for their actions.  He testified that what they had done, they did because they didn't know what they were doing.

As Jesus hung on the cross, people were passing by, it's hard to picture that kind of a scene in my mind; the brutality of the setting, the reality of true suffering taking place, and people were just passing by. The word that is translated in the Greek gives the impression that people were simply going to and from on a normal life trajectory.  There may have been some that were there simply to hurl accusation at the King of the Jews, like the priests and counsel members that derided Him, but I have the impression that people were passing by because they were just coming or going somewhere other than this place of suffering and punishment. Their path, that one day perhaps, brought them into this drama.  Amazing to me.

The taunt that is recorded in this chapter of scripture by some passers-by is "Ah, you who destroy the temple and build it again in three days, SAVE THY SELF and come down from the cross".  Save Thyself? Jesus did not need saving from this situation.  This was the careful execution of a plan that had been crafted before anything and everything existed.  This scene was destined to be fulfilled before the foundation of the world. Before any other thing was conceived this Lamb was Slain. As these people passed by they saw only the horrible nature of the event and contrasted it with what they had heard of this Jesus and concluded, "if he were really were who he said he was, surely he would save himself and get down off that cross.  I know I would!!"

Even those closest to Him had either fled or were only able to stand at the foot of the Cross and mourn His murder. No hope in any heart. No bright morning just over the horizon for anyone. No anticipation of the three day restoration project that this plan would climax with.  Just a sunless scene of blood and blasphemy and questions about tomorrow.

Save Thyself and Come Down from the Cross!!!!  Where would that have left them? Where would that have left us? You? Me?  Drowning and abandoned. Separated from God. Strangers and aliens from the covenants and promises of the Creator; the Father. Ephesians 2:12 is one of the most bleak, dark, and hopeless descriptions that I can read regarding the condition of the lost. It doesn't end there in bleakness though !

But now in Christ...I know a completely different reality because He didn't come down from the Cross and let me be lost.  He was obedient to this death and endured its shame and pain for the Joy that he saw ahead.  The Joy of redeeming man from the enemy's enslavement and taking back what was always His. Of leading captivity captive. Of taking the sting and victory OUT of death for us.

The Cross of Christ was the instrument of His death. It was the instrument of His complete ransacking of  the enemy's kingdom. The Devil and his minions were shouting, "Put the Son of God in the ground now and seal the hole with a stone!! Start the party boys, we have free reign over this earth and on Monday it's under new management!"  Their shock at hearing hells gates come off its hinges was one thing, but to hear the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roar and demand the keys to death and hell and the grave, would have been enough to send every dark thing into, well, the dark.  HA HA!!

I can't take Jesus down from the cross. If I do then there is no hope for anyone.  I can't keep him on the Cross either because if Christ isn't raised from the dead, then I am still in my sins. I must know and declare the whole Gospel to the Whole World.  Like Paul said, the thing that I first received, I have to tell that to others, how that Jesus Christ was crucified, dead, buried and rose again on the third day.

The Cross of Christ crushed the gates of hell, rent the veil in the temple and opened the doors of heaven to anyone who would hear and believe the good news of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 - The Year Of The Cross Of Christ! 1 Cor 1:18

Some of you may have already known this, but 2011 is the Chinese zodiac year of the Rabbit (Metal).  I am not a big proponent of this sort of thing, even though you can see some likenesses in the definitions. However, I think its a little like the psychic on TV late at night - if you say enough general stuff about a person or situation you can create the illusion of knowledge or insight.  People really want to believe in something and they want to feel like life is not a complete mystery and crap shoot. I understand that need.

This, hopefully, short devotion is not about rabbits, pigs, dogs, or any other animal represented on the Chinese zodiac calendar.  It's about a more profound thing than that. It's about one of the most colossal and monumental things that humankind will ever be exposed to.  It's about the Radical Cross of Jesus Christ!

When I feel the spirit hit my mind and fingers to write I start looking at 50 things at once. Scriptures, pictures, word definitions, songs, personal experience and conviction (what I believe without doubt).  I know it sounds messy, and it probably is, but it's a process to me. An insight here for the reader is that if I have not been diligent in weaving these threads into a single tapestry they can appear disjointed. So if I write something that leaves you scratching your heads that is probably why.

One of things that I looked at was the meaning of the word Radical.  I was listening to a Steve Camp song, "The Cross Is A Radical Thing" while doing my "research" and I started to follow that word radical.  Its origins may surprise you a bit. It did me. Wikipedia says that the word has Latin roots (not surprising) and that the meaning has to do with "roots" or "the root" . says "of or going to the root, fundamental: a radical difference.

That is indeed what the Cross of Christ is.  It is at the root and the fundamentals of a Christian's faith. Indeed the Cross is a Radical thing as I Cor. 1:18 explains, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God".  This verse puts a lot of things into context; and context and perspective is everything.  

The Cross of Jesus is just a bloody stick to someone who does not believe (and as a result are perishing), BUT, to anyone and everyone who believes and names the name of Christ the Cross is a Radical, Fundamental Life Changing Thing!! 

The Cross is the only thing that we should brag about!
The Cross reconciles us with the law and joins us to God!
The Cross Authorizes the Name of Jesus!
The Cross made peace with man and God and brought us together with Him!
The Cross holds the ledger that shows our debts are Paid In Full!
The Cross is the cost of the Joy of Lord in and for us!

So 2011 is my personal Year of the Cross of Jesus Christ. The message of the Cross may be foolishness or nonsense to some, but to me it is the power of God that saved and saves me. To the ones being tossed about on an angry sea of sin, despair, and questions, it may appear to be only flotsam or jetsam, but once they get a look at what they have wrapped their arms around (the Cross) they will find that they are holding on to one of the root instruments of Gods perfect plan!  I can't help but see in my minds eye the realization that will sweep over anyone who takes hold of the Cross and they look up to see the invoice of their life debt flapping in the breeze!!!  Free At Last, Free At Last, Thank God Almighty I Am Free At Last !!

Alright bringing it home now.  Does anyone remember the cartoon He-Man! My kids were huge He-Man fans.  One of his tag lines was to raise his sword and say, "I Have The Power!"  Well I ain't no He-Man but I believe that I have the power in the Cross of Jesus.  In 2011 lets get a good grip on the Cross and raise it high and say, "Here Is The Power!"

ROMANS 10:13-17
13For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved .14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believedand how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heardand how shall they hear without a preacher?15And how shall they preach , except they be sent ? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!16But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Esaias saithLord, who hath believed our report?17So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
God Bless You All and Here's To An Amazing "Year Of The Cross of Jesus Christ".** Note ** something happened to the linked text in this writing. The links are active but they are not the right color - sorry for any confusion.