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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God Put Them There

Romans 13:1

"Let every person be loyally subject to the governing (civil) authorities. For there is no authority except from God [by His permission, His sanction], and those that exist do so by God's appointment."

I was walking out of work this evening and I was kinda troubled by something that my boss said to me as we finished up a final meeting for the day.  What he said isnt really important. What is, at least as I see it, was my thoughts about his comments and then the comments that God made to me about my thoughts.

See I was thinking to myself, "what am I gonna have to do to get across to my boss that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and what if I am not able? Will that work against me professionally, financially,,,,,,,,,,,,"  You can probably see where my thinking was headed, down a half lit but all too familiar path of uncertainty and anxiety.  I can leap over 2 or 3 good and plausible reasons for things and go right to the worst potential outcome and the reason.  No evidence for the jump, just habit. Proverbs 14:12 puts it pretty plainly, "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death." That kind of plainness should cause us to turn our ears Gods way if we even think we hear or might hear, or hope to hear from Him on a matter. 

The comments that the Lord made to me regarding these thoughts were along the lines of, " You know Jim if you really trusted me with this concern you are feeling, then whatever happened would be for your best interest and blessing. If you really believed that I was in charge of everything, like you have said you believe."

Its funny how God does that. Not a lot of words to bring a point right home. No wasted effort. No excess and no shortages. A finely crafted word in our ear. No condemnation but instruction and wisdom.  Proverbs 15:31 in the New Living Translation says it this way, "If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise.     I dont want to put myself into that category (wise) but if we heed the instruction of the Lord we cant help but become better than we were or would have been had we turned our ear away. 

So I quit worrying and started thinking about how much easier and less stressful trusting God makes living. Some will see this as escapism perhaps and other still may just see it has silly. But I really do want God to instill in my a fierce faith so that my life just plain looks different to the rest of the world (in a God way). 

This has a little to do with the devotion from yesterday too (all 3 of my followers out there will know what I am talking about).  The elected leadership of this and any other country are there because God has allowed them and purposed them to be there.  "By Me kings reign and rulers decree justice", He says. Pretty simple and straight ahead there - if they are there, its because God put them there.  Now that doesn't mean that it isn't hard to understand sometimes the big picture purpose for the North Korean leadership, or some of the unstable middle eastern authorities, but if we believe like we say that we do then we will have to listen to the voice of God (His Word) and subject our wisdom to His.  Like I said yesterday we dont have to be apathetic about the selection of leaders in our land but we also cant think that the sky is falling because we win or lose the congress or the white house, etc, etc, etc.  

Great peace have they that love thy law O Lord.  David said that and its still good today. Resting in Gods wisdom and His plan for my life and for the world takes a lot of the stress out like I said. Leaves me more time to ponder some of the deep mysteries like why Gods voice often sounds like that of my wife. Hmmm? 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Religion and Politics

Mark 3:6 (Contemporary English Version)
"The Pharisees left. And right away they started making plans with Herod's followers to kill Jesus."(Herod's followers: People who were political followers of the family of Herod the Great and his son Herod Antipas.)

I consider myself a conservative in political terms, and probably have some libertarian leanings on certain issues. I know that this will irritate some of my Republican friends but I lean a bit to the left on some other issues (very few however and state run health care is not one of them).  Before my politics however I consider myself a follower of Jesus Christ.  This following, even in this day and age, comes into conflict with some of the political ideals espoused by the major and minor parties/interests. 

I started my Bible reading today in the Gospel of Mark.  Mark is the action adventure Gospel.  There is no time spent covering genealogies at the start or as John does pointing out the relationship of Jesus in the Godhead. No Mark jumps right into the action of the life and ministry of Jesus (the man). What struck me as I read is that within the first 2 chapters Jesus' good works had already begun to alienate Him from the religious establishment and by the 3rd chapter the members of the established religion were trying to trip him up, question his teaching and actions and very quickly to ponder a plan to eliminate this radical new teacher, who not only taught differently than they but did it with power and authority. 

Amazingly it did not take long for the religious leaders to begin to strike hands with the political interests that ruled in that day.  Why this is interesting is the political interests, these Herodians, were followers of the installed "client king" of the Romans, Herod Antipas.  The Romans were an oppressive and brutal regime and not the kind of lot that you would think the priests of Abraham's children would seek out as allies. But they did as the scripture reference above tells us. 

So what am I trying to say with so many words? That "religion" and "politics" have been converging on issues for a long time.  The issue is that very seldom will the interests of God and politics be close enough to afford an intimate alliance. I dont think that followers of Jesus should be politically apathetic and uninvolved but I also dont think that we should be striking hands with too many of the political establishment. 

Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Tea Partyers, Green Partyers, Communists, Socialists, take your pick. The motivation of these organizations may have lines that cross the Jesus followers path, but more than likely they are bending a line to get close enough to get a vote.  What would that conversation between the priests and the Herodians sounded like.  Like a backroom deal for votes on a bill perhaps? There had to have been some quid pro quo going on.  Nobody gets involved in a plot to destroy someone unless there is something in it for them.  And if they can be "bought" then, well thats just politics isnt it?

I think that an overly partisan response by Jesus followers can be or could be an indication that they/we have decided that what is best for our lives is not going to be determined by the One we follow but by the ones that are offering to trade with us for our allegiance.  Like I said we cant be apathetic and we cant just allow politics/government to run amok, but before we make too loud a claim of party alignment to the offending of others or the alienating of some, we should ask ourselves this, "who's interests are more important? those of the party or those of the One leading our lives?" 
Matthew left his government job to follow Jesus.  The small business owners Peter, Andrew, James and John left their businesses and families to follow Jesus. When the tribute was due they found the money in the mouth of a fish. We will not draw the attention of anyone but the politicians if our lives are not led by the Holy One.  Read the first 3 chapters of the Gospel of Mark to see the kind of commotion that is possible when we follow this One and do and say as he has taught us and instructed us. In those first 3 chapters Jesus picks his best players and then ordains them to go and do just what he had been doing.  Its the law of multiplication.  Jesus could not possibly minister to everyone that needed it (read those first 3 chapters) because there were so many people thronging Him and his disciples. So bad that they tore up one of the 12's roofs. So bad that they couldn't even eat a meal. 

My politics should never overshadow my following of Jesus.  Do people know how strongly I feel about the Gospel or only my position on taxes, the wars, civil liberties and the constitution.  I heard it a few weeks ago and I liked it then and still do. I want, I need a Fierce Faith in Jesus Christ. A faith that drives the doubt out of anyones mind (mostly my own) about who Jesus is and what He is to me and THEN what He wants to do for them. 

There I think I have said enough, particularly since the old adage is never talk about religion or politics unless you want an argument.  That adage probably does not apply if the interests of politics and religion can both agreeably satisfied, right?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be Who You Are

I hope no one minds but I am cutting and pasting a Devotion that I receive daily from another source and this one today is pretty good. At least I think it is and it speaks the message that my heart has been receiving from God for the past several weeks and months.

Be Who You Are

10 But by the grace of God I am what I am....

2 And stop assuming an outward expression that does not come
from within you and is not representative of what you are in
your inner being but is patterned after this age; but change
your outward expression to one that comes from within and is
representative of your inner being, by the renewing of your
mind, resulting in your putting to the test what is the will of
God, the good and well-pleasing and complete will, and having
found that it meets specifications, place your approval upon it.

God is a brilliant Creator. He only makes originals -- not
copies. According to Ephesians 2:10, you are God's work of

God made you unique. So be all that God created you to be.

Don't try to be someone else. Don't try to be an ear in the
Body of Christ, if God made you a foot. Just be yourself.

This does not mean that you cannot improve, or grow. Growth is
part of God's plan. And we can certainly learn from others, and
imitate excellent actions and attitudes.

But too many people are insecure and hope to gain acceptance
from others by conforming to what they think will make them
popular or successful -- even though they hate it and know they
are not being real.

2 Don't let the world around you squeeze you into its own

Don't let the world pressure you into conforming.

Express the originality that God put within you. God made you
the way you are for a purpose -- His purpose.

This is not to encourage rebellion, of course. But it is not
God's plan for us all to be identical and do everything in the
same way.

I am not saying you have to try to be different. Just be who
God made you -- without fear.

Not everyone may like you, or what you do. But that is normal.
You can't always please everyone. Make it your aim to please
God by expressing what He made you.

2 Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let
God transform you into a new person by changing the way you
think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you
will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.

The Bible reveals many truths about who we are once we receive
Jesus Christ. We actually receive new life, a new standing with
God, and new ability. As you feed the Word of God into your
thinking, that new life will be able to manifest more and

SAY THIS: I am what I am by the grace of God. I will be what
God made me and fulfil His plan for me.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

One Tiny Seed

From Wikipedia:
A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food.

If you are familiar with the Bible at all I am certain that you have read or heard the passages that mention Faith as  a Mustard Seed (Matt 17:20 and Luke 17:6).  The point, as I have learned it, in this example that Jesus offers regarding faith has to do with faiths size or amount and the potency of faith.  The point is valid (duh!) and it is a desirable for the Christian, but I would like to offer a few points for us to also consider regarding seeds and faith. 

Romans 1:17 teaches us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ provides or reveals to us a Righteousness ( or a Right Standing With God) as a result of faith and that faith leads us to more faith.  I believe that faith, for anything, begins as a seed that can mature to bear fruit. I say can and not will because of the example provided by the parable of the sower and the seed. In that example only 25% of the seed that was sown apparently matured to return a harvest or increase. 

The Wiki example I started with provides a very basic and simple breakdown of a seeds basic parts. Believe me there is a lot more science and stuff to this explanation.   The Bible does tell us that the invisible things of God can be clearly seen in the things which are made or that exist around us.  Divine concepts, ideas and principles can be observed and understood, if we are willing to look and be instructed by the Holy Spirit. So back to this seed thing. The 3 basic parts are:

  1. An embryo
  2. A source of nutrition
  3. A protective covering
The Divine in this case is probably by now obvious regarding seeds and faith.  In the seed God provides the beginnings of the end in the form the embryo. This embryo is the yet immature but complete blue print of the finished product.  The embryo of a corn, tomato, apple or people seed determines what it will become and it will not become something other than what it is.  There is a pre-supplied food source for the embryo to get it off and running once it is planted.  This nutritional MRE for the seed is not intended to be its only meal but just the fuel required to give the embryo strength to break through and to get started.  Lastly the protective covering is just what it says. The covering can be thin like a peanut skin or thick and hard like a coconut. Its purpose is to provide protection to the vulnerable embryo and its food source until it is planted and has a chance to spring up. 

We could spend a lot of time talking about tending this tender new faith once it has taken root and sprung up but that is perhaps another post.  The point I would like to make in this post is that our Christian Faith experience is incremental and advancing not a "one seed fits all" kind of thing.  I say that because of what Romans 1:17 says that the Gospel comes to us by and from faith and in turn leads us to more or new faith.  

I have been energized by the power of the faith seed planted in my heart. I mean this seed as it has grown and matured has literally transformed my life by providing me with its fruits and benefits.  What I am also learning is that it is doing its job and nothing more.  I dont mean that as a criticism.  If I plant tomato seeds and I get a bumper crop I will enjoy fresh ripe tomatoes from the mature vine, but if I desire peppers, or beans I will not get them from that tomato vine. Impossible!  So I will need to plant or have planted new seeds to bear new or additional fruit and the process continues. The seed of faith that finds a willing and earnest heart will take root and it will bear fruit, but then what?

For me, "then what" means that I have sensed by His Spirit, that there is now a need for a new crop to be sown. It would be easy to try and live off this faith, because it is good and it still bears fruit, but it is also limiting. It has taken me to where I am and it has done its job. I dont think that means that I hack it out, turn over the ground and plant something else. Rather I think it means that I add to my faith garden the next crop. 

The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:13 that God is continually working in us to give us the power and the desire to do His work and good pleasure. My initial faith has stirred in me a desire for God that I never had before. It has given my mind and my heart an interest reading and hearing His word. I am beginning to live a life of faith in the Son of God. Then what?

If we listen in our hearts, and we have to listen, we will hear God digging into the seed bag looking for a place in us to sow the next crop. To plant in us the beginnings of a new and bigger harvest that will in turn lead to another planting and so on.  Our faith will lead us to new faith and more faith and that faith will lead us to more faith, but we have to listen for the Sower and his hand running through those seeds looking for a place to plant.  The challenge for us is to not get too complacent and even satisfied with where we are today. We need to want more of God and as Philippians 2:13 promises God will give us the desire and the power to do what is being planted in us. 

Are you feeling tired of tomatoes (metaphorically of course) in your spiritual life? Is that tiredness becoming disinterest? Has the heat from faiths flames begun to wane and the embers cool? If you and I slow down and still our busy hearts, we can hear our Lord speaking to us about what he desires to plant in us now? For you it may be something different than me or it may be the same thing, the point is our faith is supposed to mature to lead us to more and new faith.  If you hear his voice let Him do his work in you. If you cant hear it yet, then quiet your mind and heart and make yourself available. He will speak and then he will work and then,,,only God knows what.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Show me! Show me! Show me!

One of my favorite accounts from the Bible is found in the Old Testament book of Exodus the 32-34th chapters. It's a bit of a read so I won't cut and paste it here, but it is worth the read.  The whole account takes what could be considered an unexpected turn in chapter 34.

Chapter 32 has Moses on the mountain communing with God and receiving instruction for the people, while down below the people are going through some kind of anxiety/homesick/leadership crisis.  Moses is gone "too long" so there is a cry to make a god that can go before the people and it goes downhill rapidly from there down in the flatlands.  God makes Moses aware of the goings on down the mountain and informs him that He will be dealing forthwith with the entire lot and He is not happy.

In the 33rd chapter, God informs Moses that He has had it with these stiff-necked people and that He (God) will not be completing the Exodus journey with Moses and the people. He will make provision but He does not want to hang out with that lot anymore. There is too many great things in this story to cover them all in a single post, so read these passages and let the visual of what is taking place, what is said and what results fill your imagination.

Moses makes an impassioned plea for the people and for God to stay with them. As Moses says in 33:15 ",,,, Lord if Your presence doesn't not go with me, then don't take us a step further (paraphrased)".  If You aren't coming then I don't want to go either!  In the New Testament book of John, Jesus puts some hard things on the table for the crowd and it thins immediately and dramatically and he asks the 12, "Will you go also?"  Peter said what I am sure the 11 would have said, "to who would we go? You only have the words of eternal life."  The person that is entangled, entwined, bonded to Christ cannot think of a step of life's journey taken without Him. But back to the story.

In the middle of the plea bargain Moses asks God to show him His Glory. This to me is an interesting request given the setting and the circumstances, but Moses spoke to God face to face so It must have made sense to both Moses and God. God then agrees and gives the shepherd instruction. Now here is where the account takes that unexpected turn.  It might just be me, but given the previous 2 chapters (32 and 33) what Moses is going to get shown is likely going to be firey swords, avenging angels in wait, brilliance of Person and Godhead that would strike one down dead.  I mean what is he going to see given the poor behavior of these chosen people, AGAIN? But God tells Moses you come back tomorrow and I will put you in a place by me and I will put my hand over you and as I pass by I will allow you to see my back parts.

It says in chapter 34 that Moses did everything requested and required. Now get this, from the Amplified version:

5And the Lord descended in the cloud and stood with him there and proclaimed the name of the Lord.
    6And the Lord passed by before him, and proclaimed, The Lord! the Lord! a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abundant in loving-kindness and truth,
    7Keeping mercy and loving-kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but Who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children and the children's children, to the third and fourth generation.
    8And Moses made haste to bow his head toward the earth and worshiped.

If you still have your imagination turned on, can you see this scene (even in a misty form)? What Moses sees is not what I would have expected to see or hear.  No Gods character is not our own, unless we follow hard after Him.  Moses was probably not surprised by this display. Awestruck and compelled to worship, yes, but unlikely surprised. Again they talked face to face like friends do. Keep reading to the end of this chapter because it stays good.  The effect of being in a place with God and having him "show us" His Glory will have a visible effect. WOW!  I mean WOW!!

The understanding that we enjoyed regarding God as a part of his Church allows us to fill in that list of God Attributes some more.  Qualities like Love, Truth, Compassion, Redeemer, Sacrifice, Victor, Conquerer, Lion, Lamb, Risen One!   You get the picture Im sure.  What I want. No what I need is an unadulterated view of who God is. Seeing Him without a filter from my past or from some other false understanding will give me hope and courage for whatever is to come.  Dont let our previous expectations or experiences alter the perspective that God wants us to have of Him.  Search out His word and see what He has said about Himself.  To be sure He is not to be played a fool or triffled with, but He is so much bigger than we could ever imagine in every way.  Read these few chapters I have mentioned and see for your self.  Or comment on this post if you have seen or experienced in Him and unexpected or amazing quality.  Thanks for your time.


Monday, November 1, 2010

What to do? What to do?

My wife is a list maker. She makes lists of things she wants to get at the store. She makes lists of things she wants to do for her Stampin Up business. She makes lists of things she wants me to do on the coming weekend. And you know what? She gets stuff done (GSD for short).  Not everything on every list gets done, and not everything that gets done on the list gets done at the same time, but by and large if it makes the list it stands a better than fair chance of getting completed.

I make lists too. Usually when I have gotten woefully behind in something(s) and the only way that I can make heads of tails out of what to do next is to list everything out and rank it all.  It works too, but its a little bit late in the process if I want to avoid anxiety and frustration. The idea of the list is a good one though. It can help us see what should occupy our time throughout the day, what should get the most time based on importance, and so on.

Sometimes just making the list seems to be the entire goal though. How many things can I put together onto a list? I mean a long list looks more impressive than a little bitty list with 3 or 4 things on it. Lots of things on the list means that we are really busy, right? We can put little things on there like change light bulbs or big things like replace the motor/pump assembly in the dishwasher (thats another story). But making a list for the sake of the list only gives us a false sense of accomplishing things.  What we need to do is Do.

As Christians we can create a list of requirements and attributes that we should accomplish or pursue that would fill pages I think. That wouldn't be all bad either. Nearly every verse points to some area for improvement or refinement or elimination. In Proverbs 4:18 the Contemporary English Version it says, "The lifestyle of good people is like sunlight at dawn that keeps getting brighter until broad daylight."  So what does this have to do with making a list? Maybe not a lot but it does say that the life I live today will be progressive and incremental. If I have a list I can work on the most important things.  The light will grow and with more light I can do more or different things. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Micah 6:8.   You can look it up but it is a very simple list of requirements - Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly with God.  Is that all that there is to living a Christian life?  Man to be honest that seems like a life-time pursuit to me, but I think that the answer is no.  There is more to do.

The things that get listed usually require multiple steps or actions to complete. I think thats what this little 3 item list is like. Under each of these are many other activities that translate into Doing the activity listed. Under the items on this list would be sub lists for serving others-believers and non-believers, giving of our time and resources, preferring others, rejoicing in our circumstances and mourning with those that mourn.  We could sublist items like reading the Word daily, applying the Word daily, sharing the Word daily, worshiping the Holy One daily, submitting to Him daily, letting His love lead our thinking and reactions.  

In reality the list could go on and on and I am glad it does. I will only be able to list the things that the level of spiritual maturity I have will allow, and I'm OK with that too.  I dont want to act or sound like I know everything about anything.  I am excited to know that there are depths and facets to the Most High God that I will have to walk with Him to learn of, see and to mirror in my life. 

Lastly, we are to be witnesses of and for Jesus Christ.  Romans 10:14 New Living Translation - "But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?"   Lets start another list and see what falls out underneath it. The main bullet item will be,,,,,,,,,, Tell Them.