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Thursday, November 25, 2010

One Tiny Seed

From Wikipedia:
A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed coat, usually with some stored food.

If you are familiar with the Bible at all I am certain that you have read or heard the passages that mention Faith as  a Mustard Seed (Matt 17:20 and Luke 17:6).  The point, as I have learned it, in this example that Jesus offers regarding faith has to do with faiths size or amount and the potency of faith.  The point is valid (duh!) and it is a desirable for the Christian, but I would like to offer a few points for us to also consider regarding seeds and faith. 

Romans 1:17 teaches us that the Gospel of Jesus Christ provides or reveals to us a Righteousness ( or a Right Standing With God) as a result of faith and that faith leads us to more faith.  I believe that faith, for anything, begins as a seed that can mature to bear fruit. I say can and not will because of the example provided by the parable of the sower and the seed. In that example only 25% of the seed that was sown apparently matured to return a harvest or increase. 

The Wiki example I started with provides a very basic and simple breakdown of a seeds basic parts. Believe me there is a lot more science and stuff to this explanation.   The Bible does tell us that the invisible things of God can be clearly seen in the things which are made or that exist around us.  Divine concepts, ideas and principles can be observed and understood, if we are willing to look and be instructed by the Holy Spirit. So back to this seed thing. The 3 basic parts are:

  1. An embryo
  2. A source of nutrition
  3. A protective covering
The Divine in this case is probably by now obvious regarding seeds and faith.  In the seed God provides the beginnings of the end in the form the embryo. This embryo is the yet immature but complete blue print of the finished product.  The embryo of a corn, tomato, apple or people seed determines what it will become and it will not become something other than what it is.  There is a pre-supplied food source for the embryo to get it off and running once it is planted.  This nutritional MRE for the seed is not intended to be its only meal but just the fuel required to give the embryo strength to break through and to get started.  Lastly the protective covering is just what it says. The covering can be thin like a peanut skin or thick and hard like a coconut. Its purpose is to provide protection to the vulnerable embryo and its food source until it is planted and has a chance to spring up. 

We could spend a lot of time talking about tending this tender new faith once it has taken root and sprung up but that is perhaps another post.  The point I would like to make in this post is that our Christian Faith experience is incremental and advancing not a "one seed fits all" kind of thing.  I say that because of what Romans 1:17 says that the Gospel comes to us by and from faith and in turn leads us to more or new faith.  

I have been energized by the power of the faith seed planted in my heart. I mean this seed as it has grown and matured has literally transformed my life by providing me with its fruits and benefits.  What I am also learning is that it is doing its job and nothing more.  I dont mean that as a criticism.  If I plant tomato seeds and I get a bumper crop I will enjoy fresh ripe tomatoes from the mature vine, but if I desire peppers, or beans I will not get them from that tomato vine. Impossible!  So I will need to plant or have planted new seeds to bear new or additional fruit and the process continues. The seed of faith that finds a willing and earnest heart will take root and it will bear fruit, but then what?

For me, "then what" means that I have sensed by His Spirit, that there is now a need for a new crop to be sown. It would be easy to try and live off this faith, because it is good and it still bears fruit, but it is also limiting. It has taken me to where I am and it has done its job. I dont think that means that I hack it out, turn over the ground and plant something else. Rather I think it means that I add to my faith garden the next crop. 

The Bible tells us in Philippians 2:13 that God is continually working in us to give us the power and the desire to do His work and good pleasure. My initial faith has stirred in me a desire for God that I never had before. It has given my mind and my heart an interest reading and hearing His word. I am beginning to live a life of faith in the Son of God. Then what?

If we listen in our hearts, and we have to listen, we will hear God digging into the seed bag looking for a place in us to sow the next crop. To plant in us the beginnings of a new and bigger harvest that will in turn lead to another planting and so on.  Our faith will lead us to new faith and more faith and that faith will lead us to more faith, but we have to listen for the Sower and his hand running through those seeds looking for a place to plant.  The challenge for us is to not get too complacent and even satisfied with where we are today. We need to want more of God and as Philippians 2:13 promises God will give us the desire and the power to do what is being planted in us. 

Are you feeling tired of tomatoes (metaphorically of course) in your spiritual life? Is that tiredness becoming disinterest? Has the heat from faiths flames begun to wane and the embers cool? If you and I slow down and still our busy hearts, we can hear our Lord speaking to us about what he desires to plant in us now? For you it may be something different than me or it may be the same thing, the point is our faith is supposed to mature to lead us to more and new faith.  If you hear his voice let Him do his work in you. If you cant hear it yet, then quiet your mind and heart and make yourself available. He will speak and then he will work and then,,,only God knows what.

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