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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Well You've Got PERSONALITY ------ Deut 31:1-11

Man 1959 was a very good year!! Alaska became our 49th State, Hawaii became our 50th state, gasoline was $0.25 a gallon, I was born (shameless self promotion I know), and an R&B singer named Lloyd Price recorded a song that for all the Boomers out there will stick in your head all day if you follow this link and listen to the song. The song was called "Personality" and honestly this could be sung as a church song with some minor tweaks.  Remember I warned you - this tune will burrow into your brain and it will take some real work to dislodge it.

So you are probably wondering what does Lloyd Price have to do with Deuteronomy 31:1-11? Well nothing really significant other than when I read this passage I find that its a lot about personalities and keeping them straight. says this about the definition of Personality:

  1. The quality or condition of being a person.
  2. The totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior, that are peculiar to a specific person.
  3. The pattern of collective character, behavioral, temperamental, emotional, and mental traits of a person: Though their personalities differed, they got along as friends.
  4. Distinctive qualities of a person, especially those distinguishing personal characteristics that make one socially appealing: won the election more on personality than on capability. 
    1. A person as the embodiment of distinctive traits of mind and behavior.
    2. A person of prominence or notoriety: television personalities.
  5. An offensively personal remark. Often used in the plural: Let's not engage in personalities.
  6. The distinctive characteristics of a place or situation: furnishings that give a room personality.
I think that it would be an reasonably undisputed fact that Moses was a man who had a "personality".  Particularly the Moses whom God called and talked with face to face.  He was an action oriented personality. He was a values or principle driven personality. He was a humble personality. He could be a rash personality. He was a responsible and accountable personality. He was a man with the personality of a leader.  Leaders, particularly AFFECTIVE leaders, are nearly always a "force of personality".  They use their combined character and traits to impact people and to move situations and circumstances in the direction that they need to be led.  The right combination of traits will cause people being led to gladly storm whatever gates the leader pointed out as needing to be stormed.  The Affective nature of their personality has a significant Effect on the ones being led. 

So Moses had a big personality.  That is definitely no revelation.  What struck me however was the way that this big personality leader was working to ensure that the people knew a few things before he faded away.  You really will need to read the entirety of the Exodus story and more to get to this point in Moses and Israels lives. It would be too much for me to cover all that ground for context and you would likely quit reading this thing before I could make a point (hopefully there is a point). If you want to get an overview of the story and the capacity of Moses personality  flip the page in your Bible and read the 32nd chapter of Deuteronomy (WOW). 

Let me cut to the chase now.  Moses is setting the stage for his departure. Its time as you will see soon and he wants to make sure that everyone has the right orientation about what is going to happen next.
And Moses went and spake these words unto all Israel.2And he said unto them, I am an hundred and twenty years old this day; I can no more go out and come in : also the LORD hath said unto me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan.
This man had led for a long time. They knew him and he knows them.  He tells them, "I'm old. In fact I am too old to do what needs done next AND beside that the Lord has told me You will not go over this Jordon"  There is a lot of leadership in just these two verses. He gathered all the people, so that the message would not be mis shared. It was important and everyone needed to know. He was honest with the people and more impressive, he was honest with himself (I am old and I cant do this). Lastly he was responsible and accountable - it was not necessary for people to know WHY God had told Moses he wouldn't be making the trip but he had to tell them that he wouldnt be going.  Its here that I start to get excited and instructed (even more than verses 1 and 2).

Moses tells them next that (and I am paraphrasing to make a point) 
  • The Lord Thy God, He will go over before (or LEAD) thee
  • He will destroy these nations in your way
  • Dont worry you wont go without a man to lead who is led by God - Joshua is going to lead from the front - BUT
  • The Lord shall do,,,,,
  • The Lord shall give them up,,,,
  • Be strong, courageous and not afraid because
    • Its GOD that goes with you
    • He will not fail you
    • He will not forsake you
  • Joshua, be strong and courageous and dont be afraid because you have a job to do
    • and The Lord, He it is that goes before YOU
    • He will be with YOU
    • He will not fail YOU
    • He will not forsake YOU
    • So dont be afraid or broken down by the work ahead (dont be dismayed)
Now Moses is about done and he calls this last bit here a LAW. It is instruction and guidance, it is the direction that the people are to go. It is the mind set that they are to have. It is the Will of God for His People, so it is SO! 

God didnt want and doesnt want us to be influenced, and I mean eternally influenced by any other personality but His own.  The New Testament instruction to this fact are numerous - 
  • Put on Christ, 
  • Learn Christ, 
  • New Creatures in Christ, 
  • Follow me as I follow Christ, 
  • Let this mind be in you that was also in Christ, 
  • When Christ who is our life shall appear then we will appear with Him, 
  • Looking Unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,
  • But we SEE JESUS
  • Come and Follow Me (Jesus)
  • Whatsoever things you do do all in the Name of Jesus
  • Ask In my Name and it shall be given 
  • Come unto ME ALL YOU
I could go on and on but you get the point.  Jesus is the personality that we must follow and seek after. Its His leadership that will make us successful because only he can do what needs done, but we are to follow close to the Master and as we are led to lead others into and in the WAY.  

I have said this before and I believe it more and more and more. This Christian experience isnt about me. It never has been.  His plan and calling for my life is not about me. Its about HIS plan and HIS calling.  He and only He can save the world. My cleverness cannot do it. My empathy cant save anyone. My creativity cant rescue the one drowning in a sea of self hate and waves of sin and shame.  My "way with words" is simply vanity if I am not saying what He wants to be said and if I am obedient what can I claim other than I did what I was instructed to do. 

Its His plan. Its His power. Its His blood that paid the price and redeemed the hostages of sin and the enemy. Its His Words that hold the Fire Power to break walls and chains and to feed and provide Living Water.  Its to HIS NAME that everything under heaven and earth is subject.  Its in His Name that we are commanded AND empowered to go.  We go with and in the power of the King of Kings Word and in His Name!!!!!

I could bang that drum too, but you guys are all getting it.  If we get Jesus where he belongs in our lives, at the front, then everything else will by divine decree line up behind in the most effective and beneficial manner for us and for His purpose in our lives. 

God Bless you and Dont be afraid! Be Strong and have Courage, because it is the Lord Jesus that Goes before you and gives you His victories!!!

PS for my Booming friends here are the words of the song so you can sing along:

(YOU'VE GOT) PERSONALITY Lloyd Price - 1959
Oh-oh-over and over
I'll prove my love to you
Over and over, what more can I do 
Over and over, my friends say I'm a fool 
But oh-oh-over and over I'll be a fool for you 

'Cause you've got - (personality) 
Walk - (personality) talk - (personlity) 
Smile - (personality) charm - (personality) 
Love - (personality) 'Cause you got a great big heart 
Well over -and over 
I'll be a fool for you 
Well, well, well over and over 
What more can I do

1 comment:

  1. Up front and center, buddy! Ain't always easy to do, but as Christians, we try again and again, over and over! Good blog post!
