Then in the middle of this Psalm the "sheep" makes an interesting statement. "It looks like we are going to walk through some very scary places". What would be the reason for this path? Is this a detour or is this a planned walk though the deep and the dark. The sheep makes a statement that the Shepherds rod and staff are a comfort to the sheep, but every step through the dark makes the next one harder. Freeze or run? Both seem like good choices compared to walking calmly beside the shepherd.
What can we conclude from this verse? That there are dark places for the believer even when they are being led by the Spirit? That some places of blessing are just on the other side of a deep dark place? That to say that we trust is one thing and to trust in the shadow of death are sometimes not the same thing?
Look I dont have all or even most of the answers. I do have opinion though. Jesus said that he would never leave or forsake us. We are instructed that the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord. Can we conclude from these scriptures that this Dark Path is part of the plan for us in Christ. I guess that this blog is really intended to get you thinking. I believe that the Lord leads us and being led some times means that we have to go to places we would rather not go. We are promised the Masters fellowship but we are not promised a bump free journey. What do troubles teach us in Christ? What do difficult places do to our relationship with Christ?
The Shepherd of our lives has a plan for us. Every step, every valley has a purpose for our lives. To resist or to run in the face of danger would be to unplug the plan that the Master has for his sheep. Dont hold back or run for "your life". There is blessing waiting for us if we simply follow the Shepherd to where he is leading us.
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