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Saturday, March 12, 2011

E Plurbis Unum - Psalm 133

You know for the longest time growing up I thought that the Latin words on our coins and currency, "E Plurbis Unum", were saying "In God We Trust" in another language.  I cant really tell you where or how I made that connection but one day it changed. I dont recall the reason for my understanding to be corrected but it was.  Actually the Latin "E Plurbis Unum" out dates "In God We Trust" in the history of the United States by nearly a hundred years on coins  and over a hundred years for currency. The phrase E Plurbis Unum actually means, "Out of many, One". The phrase was a dictum for the United States and adopted by an act of Congress in 1782.  It was never formalized by law until 1956 when the phrase In God We Trust was adopted as the official motto of the US by congress H.J Resolution 396.  The phrase Out of many, One was originally intended to symbolize the union of the 13 original colonies emerging as a single nation.  Recently it has taken on a more pluralistic interpretation of the US being the "Great Melting Pot" of immigration.  Both uses have merit I would have to say.  E Plurbis Unum was struck on US coins as early as 1786.

Coins and Motto's! A strange way of starting a devotional blog probably.  As I was reading this morning in Psalms I had to pause and reflect on the first verse of the 133rd Psalm.. This particular verse is widely quoted and preached within the church and for sure it will preach. It is in harmony with many other scriptures and Divine principles, so preach that.  The Psalm talks about brethren (male and female believers) dwelling, or abiding and remaining, in Unity.  The somewhat unfortunate thing was that I got hung up on the very first word of that Psalm 133, Behold.
The doctrine of unity is unquestionable in our faith in Christ.  Let me share a few references to illustrate the frequency of its reference and breadth of this coverage:

Although is no where near a complete list of Unity Doctrine supporting scriptures it does give a relatively full idea that a body of believers that exists and functions in submission to the One who called us and in singleness of mind and purpose and unity with and among each other is not just a suggestion but a requisite condition.  Requisite to please God, to accomplish His will for His Glory, to demonstrate His character to each other, and to be another Witness of Jesus influence on the lives of the believers. 

See this is where that little word BEHOLD hung me up.  If I have read the commentaries correct David was overjoyed that the tribes of Israel were uniting under his leadership.  He was so inspired that he wrote a song to express his appreciation to his God for this marvelous transformation.  BEHOLD - Take a look. Behold - see just how good,,,,. Behold - notice the pleasantness ,,,,,,,,. Behold - unity among brothers is a hallmark. It takes US and THEM and makes WE. E Plurbis Unum!!! Out of many, ONE!

The Behold thing though (scratch my head just now)?. Man I dont believe that this scripture is making an abstract observation about a potential state of people. I dont believe that it is a momentary expression of a super glad king at seeing nations come together.  I think it is a critical piece of the machine. It is what allows the most productive state to exist for the body that enjoys this state. It is a demonstration and reflection of the blue printed design for the Church.   Head and Body in union. No discontent or contention in the body so that the head has to suffer the inefficiencies of wandering or misbehaving members.  Involuntary actions on the part of most body parts (Lets exclude breathing and heart beating and functions like that), is considered by the medical community as abnormal and potentially dangerous.
"Movement disorders are neurological conditions that affect the speed, fluency, quality, and ease of movement. Abnormal fluency or speed of movement (dyskinesia) may involve excessive or involuntary movement (hyperkinesia) or slowed or absent voluntary movement (hypokinesia)."

Even if I get the benefits of Unity and I accept the requirement for it in the Body, I continue to be struck with this little work BEHOLD.   God wants people to see it.  Of course we have to understand it. Of course our obedience to it is greatly enhanced if we understand its importance in the Masters eyes and plans. But too often we come together as just brother so and so and sister so and so and dont look at ourselves as a body, fittly joined together. Each piece important to the others and worse still we dont acknowledge that without this unity we are a sputtering, noisy, breakdown prone machine that God has to perform repairs on continually.  Pull us off to the side pop the hood and dedicate an entire gathering to point out the crap that we have been willingly putting into ourselves. Get it cleaned out, close the hood and start us back up, oooops, time to go home- see you next week.  Think about it we call it a Church Service dont we. You take your vehicle in for service too or repairs when it is misbehaving.  Preventative mainanence is ok and necessary.  Tuning the components to get the best and most productive performance is desired and those are service calls too. But week after week of spending two hours checking 100 check engine lights? 

We are called to be Witnesses is another clear doctrine.  I would hazard a guess that when we read or hear that verse we envision our single self approach the Witness Stand to swear to tell the truth and take a seat by the judge.  But isnt the church, not me ornot they, but aren't WE called to approach the Witness Stand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help is God!!  Look man I am not casting stones at anyone, but I cant get past that Behold.  "Take a look ladies and gentlemen at just how good and pleasing it is when My people determine that they are going to abide, continue, remain, tarry, to abide in Unity.  

Yikes! People are watching. Oh yeah God is watching, He's always watching, but he saw and heard what brother so and so said or did and well He has to understand my reaction to that.  Oh he understands it alright.  Just who do we think it is that Jesus is going to say " I knew you not"? Did WE not do all these things in your Name?  I am not a judge and that Great White Throne is only made for One, but come on, when we read these scriptures too dont we really quickly think its another denomination or some group with part of the truth alone?  

Would the witness, the Body of Christ, please approach the bench and take the witness stand! BEHOLD!  Look I am not an "all together Christian" meaning I am not perfect in my execution. I still have things and people that get under my skin and bring out the "best in me" (Sarcasm). But I acknowledge that this is a serious undertaking, taking the Name of Christ.  The witness stand is out there waiting for us. It may be to offer testimony on a trial we endured, or a hurt that we had healed, or a recounting of our own salvation experiences.  But I think that the local assembly is called up to the witness stand as well (we may not know it) and at that time what is the testimony that we might give?  Thats enough from me today.  Who would have thought that out of 66 books in the Bible today I was going to get brought to a stop by a simple BEHOLD? 

God Bless You 


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