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Monday, March 21, 2011

Secret Recipe - II Cor 4:3

My what a great weekend my wife and I enjoyed with so many family and friends, celebrating the ministry of my Brother in Law and Sister and their retirement from Pastoring the church in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  Retired from Pastoring but not the work of God. 

Like most really good church functions there was plenty to eat afterwards.  One of the prize dishes, and the one that "I" found the empty Crockpot of, was Gumbo made by a special someone who will remain unnamed (but you know who you are!!)  As I savored the one bowl of Gumbo I was able to get, I was reminded of a scripture, "freely you have received, freely give" Matthew 10:8.  

What does Gumbo have to do with the Bible you may ask? Well it really has to do with the wink-and-a-nod answer we got when we asked about the recipe. Seems it was an old secret recipe. Mmm-Hmmm! So I just went home hungry for more Gumbo and not in possession of my own Gumbo DIY instructions. 

Now that I think about it there have been a lot of those things that people have tried to finagle and sneak outta folks.  There is the secret Coke recipe, and that secret baked bean recipe and the most secretest secret recipe of them all Kentucky Fried Chicken (11 herbs and spices).  That thing is kept in a locked safe, is mixed in parts in different factories and then all the parts come together in another factory where they are mixed together for shipment to the stores and buckets the world over.  You know, I guess even Victoria has a secret.

A secret recipe is really alright when it comes to soup or bread or pies and cakes. I mean everybody likes it when they have done good work and nothing says well done like an empty crockpot.  Too, its good to be special and be the one who is known for bringing the good stuff.  Man what if this brother had brought a fruit cake? He'd be taken fruit cake home again later that day. (oops did I say brother? - well its still mostly a secret who made the Gumbo) Like I said sometimes a secret is OK. 

Imagine though if some other things were kept secret, the problems it would create.  What it the police and fire department phone numbers were kept secret? or the doctor or the hospital numbers?  What if everyone kept their names a secret? Confusion and disaster would reign.  No, some things are just not meant to be secret.  The whole idea of 911 was to make it as simple for people to contact emergency assistance as possible. It was a great idea that I am sure has saved many, many lives. 

The dictionary sheds just a bit more light on this word Secret:

  1. Kept hidden from knowledge or view; concealed.
  2. Dependably discreet.
  3. Operating in a hidden or confidential mannera secret agent.
  4. Not expressed; inwardtheir secret thoughts.
  5. Not frequented; secluded: wandered about the secret byways of Paris.
  6. Known or shared only by the initiatedsecret rites.
  7. Beyond ordinary understanding; mysterious.
  8. Containing information, the unauthorized disclosure of which poses a grave threat to national security.
  1. Something kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few.
  2. Something that remains beyond understanding or explanation; a mystery.
  3. A method or formula on which success is based: The secret of this dish is in the sauce.
Its not really a new definition to anyone I am sure, but think about this idea of secret and the idea of the Gospel.  Paul said if our Gospel is hidden, it is hidden from them that are lost (para).  I like the way the New Living Translation says this verse, "If the Good News we preach is veiled from anyone, it is a sign that they are perishing".  I think its important to remember that according to the Word "this thing was not done in a corner".  In other words it wasnt performed secretly in the shadows but in the middle where it could be seen!  In another place it says that Jesus "spoiled principalities and powers" and made an example of them openly. He grabbed them by the back of the neck and shook them for everyone to see that all their teeth and claws were removed and all they had left was a roar(which they kept to themselves at that moment I am sure). 

Even the heavens declare His glory.  The heavens, the visible sky, the entire universe DECLARE - State, Restate, Count and Recount - they say it over and over and over again. IT IS NOT A SECRET!!

So, if the Gospel is hidden how is that possible?  Clearly it was demonstrated by the Author and Finisher of our faith openly. Plainly if we are blessed enough to name the Name of Christ and to be called Friend by Him, then this truth was not kept secret from us?  Understandably some are willingly ignorant and others are blinded by the god of this world to the truth for a season, but if the Gospel is a secret, I would propose that perhaps it is us who are keeping it so.  

The scripture says that Whosoever shall call upon on the name of the Lord shall be saved! Simple enough I would say, but then matter becomes contingent. It becomes dependent on others. Not to save! That is not our business or ability. God only can forgive sins! But we are needed, and it is made clear if we will read with an open heart.  The power of these words is enough to break you down even as you read them:
"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how shall they hear without a preacher ?And how shall they preach , except they be sent ? as it is written , How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" 
Its simple isn't it? They cant call if they dont believe. They cant believe if they have not heard. They cant hear unless someone tells them. No one can tell them unless someone goes. And when the one not willing to keep it a secret shows up, well it is a beautiful thing.!

We cant keep the Good News a secret! Love kept secret does not edify anyone. But love shared blesses everyone.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the completeness of loves manifestation. For God so loved the world  - didnt keep it a secret. Paul said I gave you that which I myself received at the beginning, how that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and on the third day rose again.  No secrets there.  Peter told the gawkers that became seekers in Jerusalem in the upper room that they should Repent of their sins. Be baptized in the Name of Jesus for the washing away (Remission) of those sins. And be filled with the Holy Ghost!.  This was the fulfilling of a promise made before generations to all generations, as many as the Lord could get the Word out to.  Not a secret.   

There is so much more here, but if you have followed me this far you deserve a rest.  If you have not received the New Birth as Jesus planned it and promised it (Acts 2:38) then I dont want to keep it a secret from you.  You can have a completely new life with all of the old shame and stain washed away.  I cant tell you how good it really feels to be free and know it, but you can feel it for yourself if you have that desire.  Let me know if I can share what I have been given and not keep it a secret.  Thanks for reading and may the Lord lead you into His Truth and Marvelous Light. 


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