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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Its Winter Time and Its Time To Insulate -

Well tonight, if the forecasts are accurate, we will get our first real dose of Iowa Winter. The forecast is calling for first sleet and freezing rain and them high winds and snow. We are under a blizzard warning till tomorrow night. Oh well, Its all good.

Except its now that the little leaks that this old house has become glaringly obvious and the condemning voice in my head asks, why didn't you get the windows caulked?, or covered with plastic? or ,,,,,,,,?.  Luckily my lovely bride had a stroke of brilliance and bought some reasonably cheap insulated curtains and we have put them up behind our mini blinds.  The house is quite dark at all hours of the day now. We could film episodes of Dark Shadows in here I think. More importantly the wind is not making its way into the house. Good Job Darla!!

Insulation does basically  the same things during all seasons.  It doesn't make your house any warmer, neither does it make it any cooler.  It can be credited with Keeping your house warmer or cooler, but it will not create these environments. What it does is it separates the inside of the house from the climatological experience going on outside. Insulation is a separator. It is a barrier. It is specifically intended to keep things apart. 

Some things insulate better than other things , depending on the purpose. Electrical wire is insulated completely differently than an attic ceiling.  But both methods can do their jobs quite well. 

So what does all this chatter about insulation have to do with a Christians life? Well insulation is part of our lives whether we know it or not.  We try to insulate ourselves from evil influences 2 Cor 6:16-18 , we are and  were called out to a separated life style by the Gospel and the Grace of God.  The Christians life is or should not be one of isolation from the world. Truly we would insulated from the ungodly influences, but we would also be unable to fullfil the commandments of God to reach for the lost and to bring the Good News (If we have any) to the people sitting in darkness. No, we must be insulated from the world but we cant be isolated from it. Insulated so that popular fads and culture dont entice us away from the narrow path that leads to life.  We must insulate our selves with the promises and faith in Christ so that the heart ache and misery of sojournuing in this strange land does not overwhelm our hearts and our calling. 

As a Christian, I must have something to offer. Something different and worthwhile if the Gospel is to have any effect in my life beyond my life. I cant afford to allow the outside to mix with inside, or in the very least I have to work against that mixing.  Jesus reminded his disciples that a little leaven, leavens the whole loaf (or a little yeast added to the dough will make the whole loaf rise)  What was the warning purpose of that statement? It only takes a little bit of the wrong thing to impact and perhaps ruin the whole thing.  There is risk in being different but there is reward that comes only with Risk.  That is a fundamental investment principle that the greater the reward the greater the risk that goes with it. 

There is another type of insulation that people can wrap them selves in. Although it can take many forms, its purpose is always the same, to keep people away from us.  To not allow anyone to get close enough to interact intimately.  This kind of insulation is most often a defence mechanism. I know that in my life I have wrapped myself at times unknowingly.  Slowly and over time the insulation is wrapped around to cover over all the bare and vulnerable parts. This insulation is anger. 

One of the management principles that gets drilled into your head in corporate America is that the Intention of an action is not a consideration when compared with the Impact of that action. The meaning is probably clear but let me say a couple of words in explanation. Before we say or do anything, it is the responsibilty of a person in leadership, not only to check their own motivation and intent but also to more closely and carefully consider the impact of thier words and actions on others before they "let the arrow loose".

I think this is a good principle for Christians too.  I know in my own life, I sometimes think that because what I have to say is scripturally right (by my private interpretation) that speaking my mind is acceptable and let the chips, as they say, fall where they may (thus saith the lord).  I dont think that this is scripturally accurate however. In the least it is a journeyman's use of a very sharp instrument and the hearer could very well bleed to death as a result (metaphorically of course). If that should happen ask yourself that question about intent and impact.

Lastly let me speak from my own experience on this idea of insulation.  One of the most effective insulation materials that a person can wrap themselves in is Anger. The insultation of Anger will be demonstrated to those around us by one of two ways, in most instances.  As Wrath, or externally demonstrate and manifested anger OR as Sullenness a brooding ill humor or silent resentment. This sullenness is the silent or oblique communication of stay clear and walk wide around me. I Do Not Want To Talk!

Im no psychologist by any means, but I am 51 years old and I think that I am pretty self reflective.  And after falling down as many times as I have in all these years you start paying attention to what it is that trips you up and you get, You Have To Get, pretty honest with yourself about what you see, hear and learn.  People that love us will likely not lie to us about our insulation if we ask them, but believe me we will lie to our hearts, minds and souls about our state because, well because we are human. In my darkest hours of life, when I searched for meaning, purpose, joy, hope, and relief my greatest inhibitor to finding these things was the wrapping of Anger that I had meticulously encased my self in.  Putting something on yourself, intentionally or unintentionally seems to make it harder to shed somehow.  There were some days that I was sure that I could not have gotten through at all unless I held up not a shield of faith but of sullenness and presented to anyone and everyone a clear message that I was in possession of a wrathful club behind this shield if you dare to venture too close. 

How do we shed this coating of life draining and relationship damaging insulation? Well for me I have always had to follow just a few steps.
  1. Acknowledge that no matter why (if I can remember) I am angry the result is too destructive to maintain.
  2. If I am unwilling or unable to see this angry covering then I have to ask someone who knows me and give them free license to tell me the truth. This will not be easy because we have likely scared everyone near us into keeping silent (think about that for a second).
  3. Then I have to pray. I have to repent. I have to apologize and I have to release to God the cause of my anger and my desire for separation or even for vengeance.
  4. Lastly, I have to let others in to help me recieve my liberty. Anger has roots that wrap and hold down. Who can help us?  The body of Christ is designed for that very ministry.
I know I have rambled on far too long again. I am sorry for wearing out the reader. Let me close with this one  scripture. "What will you gain, if you own the whole world and destroy yourself?" Mark 8:36 Contemporary English Version. 


  1. Thank God for the insulation of His redeeming blood!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Awesome! Or, as Grandma Jenny Markham would often say, "Well said, Jim, well said!"
