Another thing about that mailbox is that it is Your Mailbox. Your neighbors may have one too, but not with your name or house number on it. That baby is there to get your communications. There are occasions, but all in all pretty infrequent, where someone elses mail ends up in the wrong box but that is my/our box.
The mailbox is really a pretty serious thing sitting out in front of our homes. There are Federal Laws regarding "My Mailbox" (and yours). It is a crime for anyone to take a piece of mail out of a mailbox and not give it to the addressee. The person can be fined and/or imprisoned for up to 5 years. It is against the law to willfully deface, damage or destroy a mailbox. Doing so could incur a fine and/or a 3-year prison sentence. The point is that my mailbox is for the correspondence destined for my home, ONLY!
Going to the mailbox and finding nothing is a little deflating (for me anyway). I know that there are readers saying, "if I never see another bill in my mailbox that would be alright" or "if the junk mail or political ads didnt come that would be All Right". Generally though seeing nothing in the box can leave you a little flat. "Isnt anybody thinking about me?" might be the thought. "Did the mailman lose my mail"? " Has the mailman been by yet?" and "Is it some kind of Government holiday today?" Regardless the reason - Flat.
Wheres all this mail talk leading you are probably wondering if you didnt read the scripture reference in the title. The reference comes at the beginning of the chronical of the Prophet Samuel in the Old Testament. He was a mighty man of God during some monumental times for Israel. However this story begins at a very dark time for Gods people. The Prophet Eli had lost his potency and the respect of the people and his children were corrupt. Worse of all the Almighty was not talking to anyone at that time.
As I thought about writing another entry in this blog I have been struggling for a thought to share. Its not that I havent read the Word, and its just that nothing seemed to speak to me. I dont know if that will make sense to the reader, but the Word of God can and does speak to the reader. It shines a light on to darkened areas. It breaths a refreshing breeze on a weary brow and it showers blessings upon the parched and dry ground of the seekers heart. The Word of God is alive, but sometimes it doesnt say my name or put anything in my box.
One day and you think, "well I read in Psalms tomorrow, they always speak to me" and you read 6 or 8 of them and still nothing speaks to you. The next day you go to some solid gold verses, John 3:16, Acts 2:1-4 and of course Acts 2:38,,, and nothing goes into your box.
There is a grim verse of scripture in the minor prophet book of Amos. Because of Gods displeasure with His people he tells them that He was going to send a famine, but it would not be a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but hearing the Words of the Lord. At some point, depending how long the mailbox stays empty, we might begin think that a famine of the Word may be why we are not hearing from God. If we have been disobedient or rebellious toward God then maybe the silence we hear is really because we have left the place where God speaks. What we so quickly forget or maybe never really understand is that even though we may not be where He is, He is always aware of where we are and His arm is not short that it cannot reach us where we are. However, these quiet times can be very difficult.
Its very hard to share a word from the Lord if the Lord is not sharing any Words. I have been here before however. Often times what I have learned is that when the heavens have the volumn turned down to me it can be attributed to my eagerness to give away what has been shared with me. There is nothing wrong with sharing, as a matter of fact it is a command. However I can be so eager to take a nugget or a gem and turn right around and post it for everyone to share and then go look for another. Some times things are just for me. Sometimes the Word that I get placed in my heart is meant to work a work in my heart and it will need to stay in place for a time, and not be plucked up and spread around.
I think where I am now is a place that for some can be frustrating. Especially some of the Type A readers. Not moving forward is moving backwards! Not doing something, anything is a waste of time. It is times like these when my heart is longing to hear and be thrilled by some truth that what I need to do is quite simply be still.
Being still is not a waste of time and it is not a lack of progress, it is the best way to hear the smallest voice. I have strained to hear a sound in the woods, to see if what I hear was a deer or something less desirable. But my listening must be done first by staying still and not talking and quieting my inner voices as well. Concentration on listening is important. Not letting my mind wander all over but focusing it on the sound, in the direction, wait for another hint about its source.
So I think that is where I am at now with my blogging. I need to be still and listen for the Master. He will speak and I will hear. I will not turn away on disgust or anger because my timeline is not considered. My plans and wisdom have led me down an empty path too many times to listen to that nonsense too long. One of the worst things you can do when you find yourself lost is lose your cool and start running. If you are not sure what to do, stay still and wait for your instruction from the Shepherd. See as a Sheep I know the Shepherds voice and if I cant find him, I KNOW that he will come looking for me. Its a promise.
So the mailbox is empty tonight, but hang in there something fresh is coming. I may sneak in some other peoples writings that I think are good and can edify the reader till the mail is flowing again. Thanks for your patience and God Bless you.
Amazing how God can turn an empty mailbox into a full one...just like that...