Then the winter would begin to age and the days would turn the corner and ever so slowly begin to lengthen and a new catalog would arrive in the mailbox. The Seed Catalog. This is one that as a child I found some fascination in but not enough to hold my interest. My dad, however, would look at it and it was clear that he had an appreciation for every page and product listed. I also have to admit that as a teenager I did not like gardening, at all. It was to me a form of punishment or in the least some forced character building excercise that I was not interested in. I did learn a lot out there though. One thing was, even if you didn't like the job you needed to do it right or you would end up doing it over and that was of course the poorer bargain for someone like me at that time.
What did these catalogs offer the shopper? They offered potential and possibilities. The seeds and plants being offered were more than likely of the highest quality and had proven their ability to yield abundantly. But they could not promise a return. The company could not guarentee a harvest; either great or small. There were just too many variables beyond the companies control. There were instructions and guidance but in the end the seeds were placed into the hands of the gardener and the return would be subject more to his or her ability and desire than the seed company.
Its a tricky thing. The seeds are good, you have to believe that if you are going to put the effort into planting them. But if they dont grow it's not because they weren't good seeds. If they don't bare like we had hoped it's not because that package of seeds that WE got were not filled with potential and promise. No, there are lots of things that effect the end result. Sowing is not the only obligation the gardener has. Tending and caring are part of the gardener' character. Providing water, food, and defending the tender plant from the curse of weed and thorn.
So while the snow is still thick on the ground, covering the garden and its fertile soil, the Gardener must plan for the coming season. What, where, and when are all considerations. Carefully the catalog is flipped page by page. Some pages are folded over to remind the planner and to bring them back to consider again. Some things are staples and will be on list for sure - beef steak tomatoes, potatoes, beans, and peas. But last year the peas did not do well in the spot that they were planted so the gardener will try another place and maybe even another time. Too early and the cold will win the day, too late and heat will rob the fruit from the vine. Planning and planting for a harvest. Intentionally considering all the conditions and possibilities and formulating a plan that gives your seed the best chance to break forth and bare fruit. It's a promise contained in the seed and that promise is older than the gardener and it is true if we are faithful to the promise.
What will be sown into the soil of our own hearts this growing season? What crop do we hope to harvest? If we desire an abundance of Mercy what must be sown? If we have a taste for Joy and Gladness what kinds of seeds do we need to make an order out for? The analogies are pretty clear here, right? The seed catalog is your Bible and it is filled with page after page of seeds of promise. Promises of Peace, Comfort, Rescue, Health, Confidence, Abundance, Prosperity, Salvation, Purpose, Power, Fellowship, Friendship, Truth, Progress, Hope, and a New Life!
Get out the catalog and decide today what kind of harvest you will be working for in Him this season. Don't worry about the seed, you will be getting the best that He has to offer and it has been proved season after season. Know where the seeds need to be planted and tend and guard them from the cares of this world, the fowl of the air, the heat and dryness that will come and a return on His investment will manifest itself in your life for His Glory.
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