Some quick thumbnail research tells me that the term itself is not a modern fabrication, but its meaning in contemporary culture is not quite what it was in its origins. Today the meaning is generally agreed to mean, “a term which denotes language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social and institutional offense in occupational, gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, religious belief, disability, and age-related contexts." The interesting thing to me is that the mark for what is, and is not, considered correct politically is a constantly moving pendulum. Looking back across the history of just American Culture you can see many iterations of commonly held beliefs and opinions. To minimize social and institutional offense - well clearly that has changed if you ONLY consider the language that is used in mass-media arenas (TV, Music, Movies, Radio, etc).
The scriptural reference in the title is a common account and is likely well known by you the reader. Jesus is betrayed, he is taken and plotted against according to a devious plan and is delivered to the political authority of the area and day. Verse 15 tells us that "Pilate was willing to content the people". A variety of translations say that "Pilate desired to please the people" or that he was "willing to satisfy the crowd". There was a tradition of releasing someone on the day of the feast and Pilate had examined Jesus and was convinced that He had done nothing to warrant his arrest or the punishment that his accusers requested. He would liked to have washed his hands in clean water and let the itinerant preacher go. But Political Correctness was going to rule the day (according to the Master’s plan).

I will try to tie this up for today. We, as believers and followers of Jesus Christ, cannot afford to let our minds and hearts be influenced to accept what is culturally, and currently, politically correct. I'm not criticizing any group of people or making any judgement against anyone. I am saying that there is a way that seems right to a man, but the end of that way is death (Prov 14:12 and 16:25). I don’t believe that God wants me to be offensive to another person; to bruise their heart and spirit. I do believe that he wants me to speak words of encouragement and edification that will point people to the One who satisfies my life (Eph 4:15, 29).
Pilate would not have offered to release Jesus and condemn Him to crucifixion except it was the politically correct thing to do. Six million Jews were murdered under the banner of political correctness. People were made numb to the hate and didn't wonder where their neighbors, the shop keeper, doctor, musician, mother, father child, the Juden had disappeared to. After all, it was politically correct.
Closing now with some of the most practical and sound instruction that a believer can pull from the Word of God:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
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